Frigid X Box Cooler

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Product Overview

The Nex Flow® Frigid-X® Box Cooler is used for cooling small enclosures for laboratory use, environmental chambers, and for any application where an enclosure needs cooling (Note: Not approved for electrical and electronic control panels but may be used if approvals not required).   This low cost system utilizes a stainless steel vortex tube with an adjustable hot end to control the temperature produced in the enclosure.  

All the necessary items are included in the package to attach the vortex tube along with a separate venting unit to exhaust the hot air being displaced inside the enclosure.  An optional hose distribution kit is available to distribute the cold air inside for larger enclosures. Also available is an optional solenoid and thermostat for on-off control.

Frigid X Box Cooler

Why Our Vortex Tube Products:

Our Vortex Tubes are stainless steel with metal generators as a standard for use in high temperature environments No extra charges. Superior performance and design

Do you require a more convenient way to adjust the Box Cooler?

Use the Hand Adjustable Hot End System complete with incorporated Hot End Muffler  as used with our vortex tubes

Accessories for Frigid-x® Box Cooler

Model 55008

Hand turning adjustable hot end c/w muffler for medium vortex tube

Model 69004

Hose Distribution Kit

Model 55003

Hot End Muffler for Small or Medium Vortex Tube

Model 90004

Filter with Auto Drain

Model 90015

Thermostat and Solenid Valve Kit for on-off control

Model 59000B

Breather Cap with Lock Nut

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Features / Advantages

  • No moving parts
  • Maintenance Free Operation
  • Compact & Easy to Install
  • Cooling Capacities to 2900 BTU/hr.
  • No CFCs or HCFCs
  • Stainless Steel Construction
  • No Electricity
  • Adjustable Cold Temperatures
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Dimension Box Cooler
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PART NO. DESCRIPTION Btu/hr. at 100 PSIG (Watts at 6.9 BAR)
50010B Box Cooler System with hot end adjustable screw 730 BTU/hr. 170 Watts
50015B Box Cooler System with hot end adjustable screw 1100 BTU/hr. 322 Watts
50025B Box Cooler System with hot end adjustable screw 1800 BTU/hr. 527 Watts
50030B Box Cooler System with hot end adjustable screw 2100 BTU/hr. 615 Watts
50040B Box Cooler System with hot end adjustable screw 2900 BTU/hr. 849 Watts
52010B Box Cooler System with hot end hand adjustable knob 730 BTU/hr. 170 Watts
52015B Box Cooler System with hot end hand adjustable knob 1100 BTU/hr. 322 Watts
52025B Box Cooler System with hot end hand adjustable knob 1800 BTU/hr. 527 Watts
52030B Box Cooler System with hot end hand adjustable knob 2100 BTU/hr. 615 Watts
52040B Box Cooler System with hot end hand adjustable knob 2900 BTU/hr. 849 Watts
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