Blow Hard Or Blow Soft? What is the Best for your Application

Blow hard or blow soft? That is an important question to answer based on your application needs. Cleaning and drying applications involve either wiping or using compressed air or blowers.

The contact between the material and the product being wiped often requires high maintenance for wiping, and one often dismisses it if the part is sensitive.

The alternatives are using either blower air or compressed air. Blowers are larger, have higher capital costs, are noisier, need more space, and require higher maintenance. They also have limited force, which limits their use. However, they offer energy savings in many cases, especially with continuous use.

Compressed are is popular because of a smaller footprint for the item doing the air blow off, less maintenance, much less capital cost, and greater force provided. Developers have created many options to reduce the added energy cost of using compressed air.

The first option involves on-off control and using the air only when needed. This is a huge advantage when the need is intermittent. When combined with the use of engineered air nozzles and other flow amplification products that primarily use the Coanda effect, energy use can even approach that of blowers in some cases, without the negatives.

But the application itself can determine the required force level—for example, whether a blower’s force suffices. Two often overlooked factors come into play when deciding what to use.

These factors are as follows

  • Difficulty to dislodge whatever needs to be removed from the target surface
  • Distance from the blow off to the surface

There is often a misconception that the more difficult it is to remove something from a surface, that more force can achieve it. It is simply not true. The material to be removed may be stocky, surface tension very high so just difficult to remove, or it could be a static charge holing the debris to the surface which can have a strong glue effect.

When using a blow off, the effective distance for force decreases very rapidly unless the blow off device produces laminar flow. Using a blow off with turbulent flow requires increasing the pressure to achieve more force at a distance, which consumes more energy. Engineered blow off is usually laminar and will therefore work at a greater distance. This explains why engineered air nozzle technologies are used; they work and save energy.

Pulsing blow off can be beneficial in difficult to remove materials if they are sticking due to “stickiness”. The pulse causes a scrubbing action which can then help in removing this debris. It can work for fine dust as an example. Pulse valves or devices that mimic a pulse action such as “scrub nozzles” which are rotating nozzles. Care must be taken if using pulse valves. Although they often claim savings up to 50%, in reality they average more like 25% but can even be negligible unless properly installed. Installation needs to take into consideration pressure loss during the pulse action. If a pulse valve is combined with an engineered (flow amplifying) air nozzle, this may extend the distance but, with less pressure. The effective distance, as a result, can be significantly less when pulsed.

Blow Hard or Blow Soft?

Any pulsed device usually needs to be closer to the target surface.If one can accomplish that, it can prove very effective in cleaning.Pulsing through a (flow-amplifying) air nozzle may extend the distance to any debris stuck inside a wire mesh or rough surface but pressure drop from the pulsing can limit that effective distance.

If materials are sticky due to static alone, combining a static eliminator with an engineered blow-off can be very effective, even at some distance from the target. You still need to take care regarding distance, as the rate of the static removal effect decreases the further you are from the ion-generating device, whether or not air is behind it. Beware of dubious claims about removing a static charge at 20 feet away.

Combining a pulsing nozzle with a static removal device can be very effective for removing difficult debris from materials such as plastic, where both the material’s stickiness and static can hinder cleaning. In these applications, you may still need to be close to the target surface for the pulse action to work.

Optimizing energy use is the last resort when addressing any drying or cleaning application. Very often, considering these alternatives can keep every cost low. Be aware of the target distance and the materials you need to remove from the target product. Instead of just increasing power usage, explore more effective approaches.

The Underestimated Impact of Pressure Drop

.Compressed Air Systems and Performance Efficiency

Pressure drop is a crucial aspect of compressed-air technology that is often overlooked. It is defined as the reduction in air pressure from the compressor discharge to the point of use. And is caused by resistance encountered by the compressed air as it moves through the system’s components. This includes pipes, valves, and fittings. Even a minor pressure drop can significantly reduce the system’s efficiency and operational cost. If achieving a high-performance compressed air system is the goal. Then it is essential to have a thorough understanding of pressure drop and its management.

The impact of pressure drop goes beyond technical glitches, affecting the system’s efficiency and operational costs. A higher pressure drop necessitates the compressor to work harder to maintain the required pressure. Leading to increased energy consumption and a larger carbon footprint. Additionally, a significant pressure drop can negatively impact the functioning of air-operated equipment, leading to inferior product quality and reduced productivity.

Compressed Air Systems and Performance Efficiency

Pressure drop particularly affects the performance of engineered air nozzles and air knives used for blow off and cleaning applications. Pressure drop particularly affects them.

These specialized tools require a steady, precise pressure to operate optimally. A pressure drop can lead to inadequate performance, resulting in less effective blow off, cleaning, or cooling applications. For instance, an air knife used to strip away excess liquid or debris may fall short, leaving residues that could compromise the quality of the final product or the efficiency of subsequent processes.

Prevention and consistent monitoring are the two-pronged approach to addressing pressure drop. Prevention involves designing a system that minimizes resistance by employing larger diameter pipes, minimizing bends in the piping, and opting for low-resistance components. Regular maintenance to eliminate leaks and blockages further reduces pressure drop and prolongs the system’s lifespan. Monitoring via pressure gauges, flow meters, and real-time monitoring equipment can unveil and help rectify pressure drop issues, ensuring the engineered air nozzles and air knives perform as intended.

In conclusion, pressure drop in compressed air systems is a critical factor that warrants meticulous attention. By understanding its implications and adopting a vigilant approach towards prevention and monitoring, operators can significantly improve the efficiency and reliability of compressed air systems. Timely addressing of pressure drop issues translates to energy savings and a more sustainable and productive operational environment, ensuring that engineered air nozzles and air knives function optimally to uphold the highest standards of quality and efficiency.

Compressed Air Scrub Nozzle: New Product

The NEW NEX FLOW Compressed Air Scrub Nozzle simulates pulsing air to clean and dry tough surfaces.

Historically, people have used Pulsing Compressed Air since solenoid valves came into existence. And it offers specific advantages over continuous compressed air:

  • Energy Savings: Pulsing consumes less air than continuous blowing.
  • More Effective Cleaning: Pulsating action dislodges particles better. Intermittent bursts produce rapid force changes, breaking static or adhesive forces on particles.

Unfortunately, old-style solenoid valves with Pulsing Compressed Air cause pressure loss and have high maintenance costs. This led to the creation of more efficient, long-lasting process valves. Nex Flow offers these valves. They have benefits and drawbacks. Also, they’re more costly and need precise installation. Assess them per application.

Interestingly, the Air Scrub Nozzle pulses without a pulse valve. The nozzle has a flexible tube ending. It rotates from the compressed air action through a patented connection. This reduces wear on the assembly. The rotation mimics pulsing, giving the “scrubbing” effect for cleaning or drying. The nozzle consumes little air. The rotation assembly lasts 3000 hours. After that, it needs a simple, affordable replacement.

However, this nozzle doesn’t amplify, so place it close to the target. The turbulent air from rotation creates a pulse action. It cleans and dries with less force. You can often use it on products not securely fixed.

It doesn’t replace applications where pulse process valves fit better. However, it’s an effective, affordable solution when you need scrubbing over high flow and force.

See our product: X-Stream® Air Scrub Nozzle

The NEX FLOW Compressed Air Scrub Nozzle

Is a game-changer in surface care. Using a unique pulsing action, it efficiently cleans and dries challenging surfaces. Unlike traditional solenoid valves, this nozzle operates without a pulse valve, reducing wear and maintenance. Its innovative design ensures minimal air consumption and a lasting rotation assembly. Ideal for close-range applications, it offers an affordable yet effective alternative for surface scrubbing needs.

Seven Ways to make your Compressed Air Blow off and Cooling More Efficient

Seven Ways to make your Compressed Air Blow off and Cooling More Efficient

The majority of compressed air is used for blow off and cooling despite the push for alternate technologies like blowers simply because it is still the most efficient to use in a given application, either because of inadequate pressure from blowers, space problems or high capital and maintenance costs.

This is the reality and which is why compressed air use continues to grow.

So how can you make your compressed air use more efficient for blow off and cooling?

  • Look at the compressor room – do you need to address the air supply system efficiency? Can you reduce air compressor unloaded times? A great deal of developments in air compressor technology itself can improve overall supply efficiency which in turn increases end use efficiency. Is it the correct size and type for your factory use? Setting the maximum compressed air pressure to a lower level without harming downstream pressure requirements also reduces costs. Every 10 PSIG pressure reduction saves approximately 5% in energy savings.
  • Fix leaks- but not just pipe leaks, leaks at worn connectors which should be replaced, stuck auto drains on filters, even unsealed connections to air nozzles, air tools and other compressed air operated equipment. Because leaks also lowers downstream and end use available pressure, just fixing any leaks can help reduce the maximum pressure settings at the air compressors.
  • Check pressure losses – while your factory main compressed air piping maybe adequately sized to minimize pressure loss to the point of use, all too often the connection from the main line to the point of use utilizes piping or hose that is simply too small causing excess pressure loss. This is also compounded with fittings that are too small for the air requirement aggravating pressure loss. It is too common to measure pressure at the main line of 100 PSIG and only three feet away have losses up to 30% simply because the line size from the main to the application was too small. Always check the air requirement (AND pressure requirement of the air nozzle, air knife, vortex tube, panel cooler or any other end use product and be sure that the connection line is of adequate size.
  • Proper filtration and dryness – when dealing with compressed air blow off and cooling, devices like engineered air nozzles and vortex tubes require clean and dry compressed air. Any dirt buildup over time and excessive moisture negatively affects performance and can even clog the products. Always use point of use filtration to remove any excess moisture and particulate. Inadequate filtration can not only effect the device, it can also impact the quality of the product where any blow off is used.
  • Consider on-off control – a huge advantage of compressed air is that it can be stored and used on demand. When not used, it remains stored and energy is not consumed. Utilizing sensors and solenoid valves or a system such as the Nex Flow® PLCFC can take advantage of this storage ability which can yield tremendous energy savings. Many production lines do not need to have the blow off and cooling constantly on.
  • Consider New Pulsing Technology – pulsing of compressed air not new and solenoid valves have been used for years to do this. The problem with solenoid valves is however the high wear and tear and therefore the cost to maintain them typically offsetting any energy savings. It is also not certain how much energy is saved as other factors come into play when pulsing occurs. However, pulsing provides scrubbing action to help clean surfaces and a “push” to move or loosen a target where necessary. New process valves have, and still are being developed for pulsing to overcome these maintenance costs and offer potential for improved cleaning with engineered nozzles and for energy saving when properly applied. has done some projects with pulsing so has experience needed when using new pulse technology and offers consulting services for this as well as other applications.
  • Stay informed on new technologies for blow off and cooling but beware of false claims – Nex Flow® and a few other companies do research and development to improve products for blow off, cooling and conveying. Many others just copy, (usually not very well) other’s work and sometimes even claim it as their own. To stay focused, Nex Flow® provides compressed air blow off, cooling and conveying products and stays away from things like spray nozzles. Rather than being a supplier of all things, we specialize and share deep knowledge and experience in what we actually know. This is evidenced by our history of success, continued growth and our unique patents of which there are more to come with ongoing R & D and innovation. Be very careful of product claims that make no sense of product performance, some which even defy the laws of physics. Make sure companies that offer blow off and cooling technology can even afford to get proper approvals where necessary such as for control Panel Cooling to be assured they will stay around to service you (and that the product is even legal!). Reliability, timely response, and quality product and service is always important.

What is the Difference between pneumatics and hydraulics?

Pneumatics vs Hydraulics

With the advent of the Covid 19 pandemic, there has been an acceleration toward automation. Packaging solutions and advances have also become important. Pneumatics plays a very large part in both automation and packaging as outlined below in the blog

Part of pneumatic technology is the use of compressed air for blowing, moving and cooling. The rugged nature and general low cost of compressed air products for these applications as well as the extremely low level of maintenance required have become more important criteria where downtime and maintenance costs have also risen dramatically especially when compared to more complex and expensive capital cost alternatives.

Pneumatic and hydraulic systems have many similarities. Both pneumatics and hydraulics are applications of fluid power. They each use a pump as an actuator, are controlled by valves, and use fluids to transmit mechanical energy. The biggest difference between the two types of systems is the medium used and applications. Pneumatics use an easily compressible gas such as air or other sorts of suitable pure gas—while hydraulics uses relatively incompressible liquid media such as hydraulic or mineral oil, ethylene glycol, water, or high temperature fire-resistant fluids. Neither type of system is more popular than the other because their applications are specialized. This article will help you make a better choice for your application by describing the two types of systems, their applications, advantages, and disadvantages. The load or the force that you need to apply, the output speed, and energy costs determine the type of system you need for your application.


What is Pneumatics?

Pneumatics is a branch of engineering that makes use of pressurized gas or air to affect mechanical motion based on the working principles of fluid dynamics and pressure. The field of pneumatics has changed from small handheld devices to large machines that serve different functions. Pneumatic systems are commonly powered by compressed air or inert gases. The system consists of interconnected set of components including a gas compressor, transition lines, air tanks, hoses, standard cylinders, and gas (atmosphere). The compressed air is supplied by the compressor and transmitted through a series of hoses. The air flow is regulated by manual or automatic solenoid valves and the pneumatic cylinder transfers energy provided by the compressed gas to mechanical energy. A centrally located and electrically powered compressor powers cylinders, air motors, and other pneumatic devices. Pneumatic systems are controlled by a simple ON/OFF switch or valve.

Most industrial pneumatic applications use pressures of about 80 to 100 pounds per square inch (550 to 690 kPa). The compressed air is stored in receiver tanks before it is transmitted for use. The compressors ability to compress the gas is limited by the compression ratios.


Pneumatic systems are typically used in construction, robotics, food manufacturing and distribution, conveying of materials, medical applications (dentistry), pharmaceutical and biotech, mining, mills, in buildings, and tools in factories.  Pneumatic systems are primarily used for shock absorption applications because gas is compressible and allows the equipment to be less susceptible to shock damage.

Applications of pneumatic systems include:

  • Air compressors
  • Vacuum pumps
  • Compressed-air engines and vehicles
  • HVAC control systems
  • Conveyor systems in pharmaceutical and food industries
  • Pressure sensor, switch and pump
  • Precision drills used by dentists
  • Air brakes used by buses, trucks, and trains
  • Tampers used to pack down dirt and gravel
  • Nail guns
  • High pressure bank’s drive-teller tubes
  • Manufacturing and assembly lines
  • Pneumatic motor, tire, and tools

Advantages and Disadvantages of Pneumatics

Pneumatic systems are selected above hydraulic systems because of the lower cost, flexibility, and higher safety levels of the system. Pneumatic systems are best suited for applications which require no risk of contamination because they offer a very clean environment for such industries as biotech, dentistry, pharmaceutical, and food suppliers.  Since they use clean, dry, compressed air, the system can quickly convey items. The straight and simple design prevents clogging and reduces maintenance. Pneumatic systems are easy to install and portable. They are reliable and has an initial low setup cost because they operate on comparatively low pressure and inexpensive components that reduces operation costs.

No container is required to store the air that will be compressed because it is drawn from the surrounding atmosphere and filtered (optional). The entire system is designed using standard cylinders and other components. The air or gas used in a pneumatic system is typically dried and free of moisture so that it does not create issues to internal components.

Pneumatic systems provide rapid movement of cylinders because the air compressor flow rates. Air is very agile and can flow through pipes very easily and quickly with little resistance. Pneumatic systems are available in a wide variety in very small sizes.  The pneumatic systems are clean and do not pollute because any exhaust is released into the atmosphere. The Pneumatic system is more agile because if the system needs to change directions, the simple design and control allows operators to update the system quickly without environmental impact.

Pneumatics are cheaper than hydraulic systems because air is inexpensive, plentiful, easy to obtain, and store. Pneumatic systems generally have long operating lives and require little maintenance because gas is compressible, and the equipment is less subject to shock damage. Unlike hydraulic systems that use liquids that transfers force, gas absorbs excessive force.

Safety is an important advantage of choosing Pneumatic systems.  Since Pneumatic systems run on compressed air, there is very little chance of fire compared with explosion or fire hazard of using compressed hydraulic oil. It is also maintenance free since there is little need to replace filters.

It is essential to determine the amount of force required for your application because not as much force is created with pneumatic systems as with hydraulic systems. Pneumatic systems do not offer the same potential force as hydraulic systems so they should not be used for applications that require lifting or moving heavy loads.  Compressed air experiences air pressure fluctuations, so that movement can be jerky or spongy at times while moving or lifting loads. A larger cylinder is needed to produce the same force that a hydraulic ram can produce. In terms of energy costs, pneumatic systems cost more than hydraulics because the amount of energy lost through heat produced while compressing air. Another significant concern about pneumatic systems is the noise that is created. If used, it is the responsibility of the owners to protect their workers from hearing loss.


What is Hydraulics?

Hydraulics is used for the generation, control, and transmission of power using pressurized liquids. It is a technology and applied science involving mechanical properties and use of liquids. Hydraulic systems require a pump and, like pneumatic systems, uses valves to control the force and velocity of the actuators. Industrial applications of hydraulics use 1 000 to 5 000 psi or more than 10 000 psi for specialized application. The word hydraulics originates from Greek words hydor – water and aulos – pipe. The following equipment is required for a hydraulic system: hydraulic fluid, cylinder, piston, pumps, and valves that control the direction of flow, which is always in one direction.

Hydraulic systems, unlike Pneumatic systems are often large and complex.  The system requires more room because a container is required to hold fluid that flows through the system.  Since the size of the system is larger, it requires more pressure; making it more expensive than Pneumatic systems. Due to their overall larger size and the incompressibility of oil, hydraulic systems can lift and move larger materials.   Hydraulic systems are slower because oil is viscous and requires more energy to move through pipes. During configuration and planning, if the factory or plant has several hydraulic machines, it is ideal to have a central power unit to reduce noise levels.


Due to the risk of potential hydraulic oil leaks from faulty valves, seals or hoses – hydraulic applications do not apply to anything that would be ingested – such as food and medical applications. They are used in a variety of everyday machine applications:

  • Elevators
  • Dams
  • Machine tools: hydraulic presses, hoppers, cylinders, and rams
  • Amusement parks
  • Turbines
  • Dump truck lift
  • Wheelchair lift
  • Excavating arms for diggers
  • Hydraulic presses for forging metal parts
  • Wing flaps on aircraft
  • Hydraulic braking system in cars
  • Lift cars using a hydraulic lift
  • Jaws of life

Advantages of Hydraulics

Hydraulic systems are more capable of moving heavier loads and providing higher forces due to the incompressibility of liquids. Hydraulic systems do many purposes at one time, including lubrication, cooling, and power transmission. Hydraulic powered machines operate at higher pressures (1 500 to 2 500 psi), generating higher force from small-scale actuators. To effectively use a hydraulic system, it is essential to pick an appropriately sized component to match the flow.

Hydraulic systems are larger and more complicated systems.  Liquid, such as hydraulic oil is viscous and requires more energy to move. A tank is also required to store the oil from which the system can draw from when the oil is reduced.  The initial costs are higher than Pneumatic systems because it requires power that needs to be incorporated into the machine.

Any leaks in a hydraulic system can cause serious problems. This system cannot be used for food applications due to high risk of hydraulic oil leaks from faulty seals, valves, or burst hoses.  Appropriate plumbing procedures, preventative and regular maintenance, and having the correct materials on hand to minimize potential leaks and to quickly remedy any issues need to be in place at each site. In conclusion, pneumatic devices are best suited to execute low scale engineering and mechanical tasks while hydraulic systems are best for applications that require higher force and heavy lifting.

In general, it is a good rule of thumb to use hydraulic systems primarily for heavy lifting applications such as the jaws of life, elevators, hydraulic presses and arms in heavy equipment, and wing flaps for airplanes because these types of systems operate at higher pressures (1 500 to 2 500 psi), generating higher force from small-scale actuators. When it comes to moving or manufacturing products, especially food or pharmaceutical, it is recommended to use pneumatic systems because there is no chance of contamination due to burst pipes or oil leaks. Nex Flow Air Products Corporation manufactures compressed air products for blow off, industrial cooling (Vortex Tubes), air operated conveying, and air optimization designed to reduce energy costs while improving safety and increasing productivity in your factory and manufacturing environments.

Engineered air jets, air knives, air amplifiers, and air nozzles are examples of blow off products manufactured and sold by Nex Flow. They are safe because they meet OSHA noise and pressure requirements. Air Amplifiers are recommended for purging tanks, venting fumes, smoke, lightweight materials from automobiles, truck repair, or from other confined spaces. These products are also used to clean and dry parts, remove chips, and part ejection. They can also be used as effective tools for your manufacturing environment.

Vortex tube industrial cooling applications converts compressed air into very cold air for spot cooling.  Nex Flow provides Vortex Tubes and Cabinet Enclosure Coolers. These products are ideal for use in high temperature and harsh environments. These products are especially ideal for use in high temperature and harsh environments. They also provide smaller vortex tube operated mini-coolers and vortex cooling for tool cooling systems. These systems can provide extremely cold temperatures without the use of refrigerants, such as CFCs or HCFCs.  Industrial vortex tube powered cooling products are recommended for cooling gas samples, heat seals, data centers, electronic and electrical control instruments and environmental chambers.

Compressed air operated pneumatic conveyors are designed to move materials at high rates and over long distances. They are ideal for continuous or intermittent use since they are operated by an on/off switch and controlled by a regulator.  Our air operated conveyors are compact and have no moving parts. Nex Flow also provides fume and dust extractors, Ring Vac Operated conveyors and an X-StreamTM Hand Vac system. Air operated pneumatic conveyors are primarily used for conveying materials for applications where vacuum force is required to move objects over long distances at high speeds. These devices have an on/off switch to enhance safety. It uses compressed air, not electricity, so there is no explosion hazard. The Nex Flow Ring Vacs are made of anodized aluminum or stainless steel. They are designed to transport or vent a wide variety of lightweight products, raw materials, or fumes from one place to another in your factory. For high temperature and corrosive applications, regular and high temperature stainless steel is available. When moving food and pharmaceutical products, 316L Stainless Steel pneumatic conveyors are used. The specially design non-clogging model XSPC air operated conveyors are easy to install and use, compact and portable, and maintenance free.

The systems offered by Nex Flow optimize compressed air system operations because of efficient design.  The systems can be easily turned on and off so that the compressed air is used only when needed. The products do not have high maintenance costs and are light weight. System optimization can be achieved with the compact sound meter, ultrasonic leak detector and PLC flow control (PLCFC) system for compressed air, which uses photoelectric sensors to turn on the air when the target passes the sensor and to turn off the air when it leaves the sensor or can be set by time. This device can be used for dust and debris blow-off, part drying system, cooling hot parts, and cleaning parts before packaging. Nex Flow offers various accessories that are integrated into pneumatics systems to increase the efficiency of compressed air conveying products and systems. Some accessories include nozzles, mufflers, filters, mounting systems and static control for blow off of dust and debris from statically charged surfaces.

Nex Flow pneumatic products reduce noise, enhance factory safety, and provide excellent venting, cooling, and blow-off solutions. Compressed air conveying systems provides instant response times and are the most efficient and effective way to convert pressure into useful flow.  The cost-effective pneumatic conveying systems provided by Nex Flow are simple, light weight, compact, reliable, and easy to install and use. Since there are no moving parts, pockets or angles to collect debris, moisture, or water, the maintenance costs are minimal. Expect the best from Nex Flow technicians, who are trained to help you determine the best solution for your application.

Compressed Air Consultation to take the confusion out of compressed air use.

Nex Flow offers compressed air consultation on the use of compressed air “after” the air compressor room to optimize the use of “what you have” so as to minimize waste and cost while getting the most use out of the compressed air you can supply. It is important to note that with compressed air, even a small change can affect other parts of your factory system. We can advise where and how to adjust where necessary. We do this by telephone consultation to keep your costs low and to provide a suggested solution that you can immediately implement.

We do NOT do audits and compressor room analysis. For that there are many auditors that can go on site and provide you with detailed reports and they can also do on site evaluations in great detail which may be beneficial to your company. Our place is to solve immediate problems and assist in any planned changes related to compressed air.

Compressed Air Consultation

Examples of assistance:

A company had severe water content problems in its compressed airlines. The company had several air compressors and each compressor or bank of compressors had an air receiver with an automatic drain that was working properly. In addition, they had a working aftercooler in the system, and even a refrigeration air dryer to address moisture content in the compressed air lines. Basically – they did everything right! But… they still had moisture at most point of use areas. In consultation and with their subsequent follow up of items they were asked to check, we were able to identify the probable causes of the problem. These probable causes were also not very easy to address either due to time or cost or both. However, we were able to recommend a cost-effective solution to eliminate the problem with minimal interruption of production.

Another company had several areas of air pressure below what is necessary to operate their equipment and even for several blow-off applications. Initially, they simply boosted the compressor supply pressure to attempt to overcome this lack of adequate pressure. It worked for some period of time but then the problem returned. After the consultation, the company was directed to check certain aspects of their system which identified the main culprit to be leaks in certain areas of their system. Increasing the main pressure only resulted in making the leaks worse over time. In addition, continual expansion of the plant over the years had some piping out of balance. Once these leaks were corrected, and additional piping installed to compensate for unbalanced airflow (and therefore greater pressure loss) the air pressure at the compressor end was reduced and equipment operated normally and will less energy loss.

A firm required advice on the filtration required for their process. Filtration requirements vary with the industry and with the application within an industry and direction was provided to obtain the information required for their application. Sometimes it’s just a matter of simple direction to find the information needed saving a great deal of research time for the customer.

One of the most misunderstood and energy-consuming areas is the use of compressed air for blow off – whether it’s for cleaning, drying or part ejection. It is energy intensive (70% of compressed air is used for blow off applications), loud due to heavy exhaust and impact noise, and can be highly sensitive to back pressure, dirt and particulate and moisture. To add to the confusion there is a plethora of air nozzles, and all kinds of compressed air blow off products on the market, sometimes with dubious performance claims. With on line consultation we provide the guidelines during the conversation to address the particular application in deciding whether you need compressed air, and if so, which blow off product is most applicable and how to decide on the optimum product. For example, there is one customer who uses a tremendous amount of compressed air for blow off applications but the system and environment are such that blowers are out of the question, but so are air amplifying nozzles due to the environment surrounding the compressed air exhaust. So other suggestions are necessary for energy and noise reduction.

Another misunderstood and often misrepresented is the use of compressed air with static elimination for static removal at a distance and also for cleaning. One still sees ridiculous advertisements claiming to remove static charge at 20 feet away with the implication that it is instantaneous. It is not! There was a customer that was using air knives with static elimination bars (ionizing bars) in a rather high speed application mounted about 8 inches from the target. It failed to remove static charge. There was a second customer with the same problem; a static charge that was attempted to be removed using air knives with a static bar. In both cases the static bar could not be placed close. The solution was actually just a much stronger static bar. In fact, the air knife was not even necessary. We have the experience to recommend the correct static removal system and whether or not a blow off is required. There have been great advances in static control with very strong static elimination systems to address high speeds and high static charges. Compressed air is necessary usually and primarily to clean and remove particulate from statically charged surfaces once the static charge is removed. The air does carry the “ions” from a static eliminator further but as it does so, the ions begin to dilute. They do remove static charge at a distance but, the time to remove also increases. A static eliminator will remove a static charge even at a large distance “given time” but never instantaneous.

Spot cooling utilizing vortex tube technology is another area that is not well understood. There is both old and new technology available in vortex tubes to address spot cooling applications, each with its range of applications. For example, a customer wanted to cool a large area with vortex tubes but was directed to using air amplifiers instead as the energy cost and area limitation of vortex tubes in open space is limited. On the other hand, new vortex tube technology has been applied to a cool an enclosure in a very hot environment that traditional vortex tubes cannot accomplish effectively. Vortex tube technology, while utilizing compressed air is still a viable solution for many spot cooling and enclosure cooling applications due to the compact nature of the product and specific advantages they offer, in particular when applied in difficult, hot and dirty environments and where flexibility is important and where space may be a premium. There are many factors that affect the performance of a vortex tube or vortex tube operated product such as tool coolers and panel coolers and it is important to understand them for optimum and efficient performance. One important consideration for the use of this technology in electrical and electronic enclosure cooling is the importance of proper electrical approvals for the local market such as Underwriters Laboratory or equivalent to assure the enclosure is not at risk for damage during cleaning and the materials of construction will withstand the environments in which they will be used. If there is no approval, their use should be suspect.

Conveying of materials with the use of compressed air is advantageous in many applications, especially if intermittent. For example, venturi style units used to load plastic pellets into hoppers are popular as they are instant on and off, lightweight, compact, and easy to use. However there are many other applications where such systems can replace electric operated vacuum pumps. For example, there is a customer who had researched the replacement of vacuum pumps used to exhaust gas from a system which we cannot mention here as it is proprietary. The air operated conveyors were made of PTFE due to the nature and temperature of the gases involved and provided a much more cost effective, and virtually zero maintenance method of exhausting this gas. Both Coanda operated air amplifiers and venture style units may be used for gaseous conveying and certain factors determine which is most effective and appropriate. Of course, conveying of materials is the most common application and optimized performance depends of several factors. Whether or not a compressed air operated system or an alternative is appropriate can be determined thru online consultation.

As the examples indicate, we are available to consult on questions you may have to address immediate problems you may have regarding your compressed air system outside of the air compressor room and to offer a solution, as well as to offer guidance in any planned application you may have for compressed air so that the optimum product range is chosen.

It’s not just the air compressor room! It’s the system!


Order your consultation now!

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The Nex Flow Difference: Why we treat our materials differently?

The Nex Flow Difference: Why we treat our materials differently?

Nex Flow Air Products Corp. sets itself apart from its competitors by doing a few things differently with the materials that we use in manufacturing our products. While some producers are actually quite similar in product as to how they deal with material, we stand out in four specific areas as to what we do with the materials of manufacture. Differences for Nex Flow are as follows:

  1. Anodized aluminum parts
  2. Powder coated parts
  3. No Plastic in our vortex tubes
  4. We do not mix aluminum and stainless steel in our vortex tube packages

Anodized Aluminum parts

We make it a point to anodize our aluminum air knives, amplifier, air jets, air wipes and air operated conveyors.

It is actually much easier (and certainly less costly) to produce these items without anodizing due to the importance of efficient aerodynamic design. When the products are anodized the surface changes, even if the change is very small, it makes it more difficult to keep a flat part flat (i.e. air knives). But, we CAN do and we do it because of the value the anodizing adds benefits to the products.

Anodizing helps guard against the effects of the factory environment on the aluminum. Unprotected aluminum will form a powdering while oxide over time. Anodizing keeps the product looking better and longer even when using dissimilar metals in assembly, stainless shims, stainless screws, with aluminum bodies, it protects the accessories from even minor effects of cathodic corrosion.

Cathodic corrosion can occur in a highly humid environment or if the parts get wet. Dissimilar metals can act like a battery where the more active metal can corrode unless there is some form of protection. You can see this effect, for example, with rust around screws used on some buildings or machines because the screws are of one material while the metal it is screwed into is another. When paint wears away, it leaves unprotected metal that is more electrically “active” than the metal in the screw. By anodizing and protecting our product, Nex Flow ensures that our accessories will last longer and look better over time.

Powder Coated parts

Some of our cast zinc parts, specifically our Air Edger flat jet nozzles and cast Fixed X-Stream Air Amplifier, also have powder coating. It provides a much better finish and look to the product and again, extra layer of protection from the factory environment. Powder coating is an excellent protection in a factory environment. Powder coating parts adds intrinsic value to the products to the betterment of the customer providing a product that is longer lasting look better through time.

No Plastic in Vortex Tubes

Most manufacturers of vortex tubes use injection molded plastic “generators” which are used in the unit to initiate the compressed air spinning effect. Nex Flow machines their “brass” generators for that purpose instead of plastic. While plastic would be much less costly, brass offers a few advantages. Injection molding plastic will have some variations in production, especially as the mold wears out. By machining the metal generators we have much greater consistency with the parts which translates into much greater consistency in performance from one vortex tube to the next. Vortex tubes consist of several parts and of course, each part has a certain tolerance in manufacturing. Nex Flow has very tight tolerances on each part and the generators especially require very tight tolerances. The more pieces involved in assembling a part, the more the cumulative effect on the overall variation in tolerance and therefore performance since the operation of all Nex Flow products are based on aerodynamic shapes.

As the generator is such a critical component in a vortex tube, we recognize the need to use metal instead of plastic. Another advantage of using metal, in our case brass, instead of plastic is that plastic can possibly crack over time. If the compressed air supply is dirty the generator can also build up dirt and engrain itself, hence requiring replacement. The metal ones we use are easily cleaned. Sometimes vortex tubes or their packaged versions are used in very hot environments so the parts must be able to hold up in high temperature areas, especially when not operating. In these cases even competitive units replace their plastic generator with metal. Nex Flow vortex tubes and many of their packages are therefore more flexible in the environments where they can be used. While competitors would charge extra for a special product, our standard product can generally be used instead.

We do not mix Aluminum and Stainless Steel

Our vortex tube packages include tool coolers, mini coolers, adjustable coolers, panel coolers, etc. Of particular importance is the materials used in a panel cooler used for cabinet enclosure cooling and camera cooling. Many manufacturers will use a stainless steel vortex tube packages as a control panel cooler using aluminum housing and attachments. While not a problem in relatively benevolent factory environments, it can become an issue in very humid area or in applications where they are used in wash down conditions. Cathodic corrosion can occur described earlier with dissimilar metals with air knives. On one visit to a customer there was actually a competitive vortex tube cooling system with a big hole on the side of the assembly. Cabinet cooling applications are very critical because you do not want any possibility for moisture getting into the control panel. This is the reason vortex coolers should have the proper approvals to insure this does not happen (such as Underwriters Laboratory testing and approval).

Cabinet Coolers are essentially vortex tubes with a cover and some system to prevent moisture from getting inside of the cover and possibly then into the cabinet. This cover was aluminum and the vortex tube another material. The environment was a relatively wet environment, so over time cathodic corrosion cause the aluminum to corrode and create a hole in the protective cover. Thus, creating a potential risk for water to get into the electrical cabinet. It is for this very reason (preventing cathodic corrosion) that Nex Flow only has stainless steel covers for their stainless steel vortex tubes.

Similarly with all other packages systems, whether they are tool coolers or adjustable coolers, the packages are made with stainless steel only and not a mixture of stainless steel and aluminum.

It’s a Wrap

These are some of the reasons why Nex Flow treats their materials differently. While some of these “differences” in material handling and treatment can be more costly from a manufacturing point of view, they do offer significant added value to the products and a benefit to the customer, and still with a very competitive price.

Use Air Amplifiers and Vortex tubes to Emulate Wind Tunnel for lab tests

Wind tunnels are large tubes with air moving inside. These tunnels are used to test models of aircraft or other flying objects on their actions in flight. These models are scaled down versions of actual objects that will be built. Researchers and institutions around the world like NASA, uses wind tunnels to learn more about how an aircraft and spacecraft will fly. But it is not just flying machines that are tested. These Wind chambers are also used to test how an automobile shape, or windshield design will behave in environments with strong winds. Aerodynamics is the study of the flow of air or gases around an object in motion. Essentially these tunnels are hollow tubes with controllable fans at one end to test objects aerodynamics ensuring safety and performance of machines.

Airplane builders use NASA wind tunnels to test new airplane designs.
Credits: NASA

Frank H. Wenham (1824-1908), along with his colleague John Browning, invented the wind tunnel and built the first one in 1871. He described it as “a trunk 12 feet long and 18 inches square, to direct the current horizontally, and in parallel course.”  As a British marine engineer he studied the problems of human flight and had many publications. He also made a huge influence in the development of aeronautics. Their experiments showed that high aspect ratio wings – long and narrow—had a better lift-to-drag ratio than short stubby wings with the same lifting area. Wenham may have been the first scientist to use/coined the word “aeroplane”.  Aviation writer Carroll Gray says Wenham’s work may have been an important influence to the Wright brothers.

As mentioned above, wind tunnels typically use powerful fans. But – it is possible to use Nex Flow compressed air operated Air Amplifiers instead of fans for a miniature wind tunnel. To get the system to work, the gap setting on the Air Amplifiers will have to be increased to approach the power needed for testing even a very small object. Although there are limitations to using compressed air for wind tunnel emulation – they do offer some advantages like having a lower noise level and their ability to be combined with vortex tube technology for testing at sub-zero temperatures.

Powerful fans overcome back pressure created by the length and overall volume in the tunnel. Compressed air amplifiers however cannot be “revved up” like a motor and are subject to this back pressure limiting the length and volume of a tunnel where it can be used. However for very light and small objects, it is conceivable to use an Air Amplifier to operate a miniature wind tunnel.

Air Amplifiers take compressed air that is consumed and converts the pressure normally lost as pressure drop and noise into high velocity and high laminar flow.  With fans you can control this velocity and flow by making the fan turn faster or slower. With Air Amplifiers you have some limited control with input pressure but in a much more narrow range which should suffice for a small miniature tunnel. A common setup at exhibitions is to attach an Air Amplifier to a stand and have the amplified airflow support a beach ball which can be held a few feet above the vertically aimed Amplifier. The object tested in an Air Amplifier operated miniature wind tunnel would have to be in the low weight range of a beach ball to be useful. A powerful compressed air operated engineered nozzle, or a series of engineered air nozzles might be paced at one end of a miniature wind tunnel for more force. After a short distance, the combined airflow could produce enough velocity and flow to be useful for testing small, light objects.   One advantage of both using compressed air amplifiers or laminar nozzle is the lower noise level than you would get from a powerful fan.

Vortex tube technology however, does offer one advantage for a special type of wind tunnel.  A vortex tube is a device which takes compressed air and divides it up into a hot and cold stream.  This cold stream of air flow can go to very low, sub-zero temperatures. Vortex tube commercially are available in air consumption ranges of 2 to 150 SCFM. However, there is no reason that a vortex tube cannot be made much larger to consume several thousand SCFM. In some research applications for wind tunnels it is necessary to study aerodynamics at sub-zero temperatures (i.e. the behavior of military aircraft in arctic or subarctic conditions). A much larger vortex tube consuming one thousand SCFM or even more can produce very cold temperatures of -40 ˚C and even colder if the compressed air supply is cooled further. While it would seem to be uneconomical to use such high volumes of compressed air, that high energy cost is offset by the fact that you do not have to cool the air to the sub-zero temperatures required for testing. Also, the efficiency in the production of the cold temperature actually goes up as you increase the size of the vortex tube. Let’s presume you have 10,000 SCFM of compressed air supply.  With vortex tubes the temperature drop increases (you get colder temperatures) the more air you exhaust at the “hot end”. So if only 30% (3000 SCFM) goes out the cold end to get that -40 degrees Celsius. The cost of cooing 3000 SCFM of a fan produced air flow to that cold temperature using a more traditional means of cooling will be very high. You also will be using refrigerant which will be costly, and need maintenance. In using a special vortex tube you only have the compressors and the wind tunnel taking the flow, at the low temperatures you want. This minimizes any maintenance involved. It is actually a very simple system.

So while there are certainly not a great deal of applications where a wind tunnel is needed that produces such low sub-zero temperature airflow, there are certainly enough when dealing with some military and space equipment applications where aerodynamic tests results under extremely low temperatures are required.  In this case, using a special large vortex tube is a possibility. Such special wind tunnel has been built in the past with very large vortex tube design.   

For unique applications such as the above – Nex Flow has experience in special vortex tube design. Some years ago a two meter long vortex tube was developed for an application (not a wind tunnel however) which used natural gas as the medium instead of compressed air. The parameters of the application had to be addressed to develop the optimum design and the supply gas was at very high pressure. The application remains proprietary but it does indicate that vortex tube technology can be adapted and made effective and economical for special applications where cold temperatures or overall cooling is necessary and where using traditional cooling would not be as effective or economical.

So for wind tunnel applications, Air Amplifiers (and even Engineered Air Nozzles or jets) can apply to miniature wind tunnel for small and lightweight objects. If the wind tunnel requires sub-zero temperatures, vortex tube can be integrated as part of the system. Do note that as these are two different things entirely, you connect a vortex tube to an air amplifier



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How is Compressed Air used to Package Products?

Using Compressed Air in Packaging

Compressed air is safe, reliable, and used in packaging products. The compressed air systems move materials from one area of the factory to another, perform blow-off, part drying, and align products for packaging. Bakeries use compressed air for blow-off applications, while others use compressed air to clean containers before filling them with products.  Compressed air technology is also used to cut, sort, shape, and convey products, such as food, from one location to another in a factory.

Cartons are also formed, filled, and sealed using compressed air. The quality of compressed air can vary widely depending on its application. The food industry requires the highest level of safe, clean compressed air to handle and package goods. Pharmaceutical industries also require more stringent clean air than other industrial applications because they are either ingested or injected.

Clean, high-quality compressed air is required in pharmaceutical and food packaging to ensure consumer safety and prevent product contamination. It is essential to have either no contact with the product or contact using pure air to avoid product recalls, damage to brand reputation, or litigation. Pneumatic systems are recommended because there is no chance of leaking oil as in hydraulic systems.

Pneumatic systems do not pollute or release contaminants into the atmosphere, so they are especially useful for packaging food products. These systems have no moving parts, so there is less maintenance and downtime compared to other systems.

Using Compressed Air in Packaging

Clean compressed air is essential for food and pharmaceutical processing and packaging operations. Compressed air must be purified, especially when the product is consumed.  Compressed air conveyors are the best technology to ensure safe food quality. Contaminants include spores, solid particulate, vapors, and moisture. Oil is often not an issue with compressed air conveying systems, unlike hydraulic systems, which use oil as a medium.

To stop microorganisms and fungi growth, the dew points of air at line pressure must be -25 degrees Celsius (-15 degrees Fahrenheit). Standards have been developed that state very fine filtrations to prevent particulate and oil from contaminating food products.


How does Compressed Air Keep Products Dry and Free of Contaminants?

Equipment performance is only as good as the quality of air. Any atmospheric air contains some moisture and dirt. No matter how small the contaminants are initially, they are concentrated when the air is compressed as the air heats, its ability to hold water vapor increases. The vapor condenses into liquid when the air begins to cool as it travels downstream. Maintenance by plant operators can remove liquid, particles, and contaminants. Air dryers are installed to reduce moisture.

They lower the dewpoint of the compressed air to prevent water droplets from forming downstream. There are four types of dryers: Refrigerated, chemical, regenerative, and membrane or mechanical. Mechanical filters work with compressed air dryers to remove contaminants and water. There are three types of filters: Particulate, coalescing, and adsorption.

After the appropriate filter has been added to the conveying system to ensure that the compressed air equipment does not introduce contaminants, equipment that is used to blow off products before packaging is added, examples of this type of equipment include engineered nozzles and air knives. They conserve compressed air by using the Coandă effect to entrain surrounding air along with compressed air to create a high-flow velocity stream of air.


What are some things to remember when using Compressed Air Products for packaging?

If used as intended, compressed air will not generate biological, chemical, or physical hazards while packaging goods. The manufacturer is responsible for producing final products that are sanitized and free of contaminants such as oil, microorganisms, particulate or dust. Manufacturers that use the compressed-air system must carefully consider productivity and production costs against safety.

Compressed air used in packaging will often come into contact with the product. “Contact Application” is defined in the British Compressed Air Society (BCAS)/ British Retail Consortium (BRC) code of Practice for Food Grade Air code as “the process where compressed air is used as part of the production and processing including packaging and transportation of safe food production.”  This means that packaging and moving products with compressed air is a contact application.

Other examples of compressed air contacting the product include blowing off the water after washing a product and before packaging, cooling a product to increase line speed, and blowing off excess ingredients (such as sugar) before cooking. Non-Contact Application is “the process where compressed air is exhausted into the local atmosphere of the food preparation, production, processing, packaging or storage.”  Non-contact applications can be categorized into 2 additional sub-categories (high risk and low risk).

Using Compressed Air in Packaging

When designing a compressed air system for conveying, it is important to use filters and air purifiers to ensure compliance with various safety and manufacturing standards. The BCAS/BRC Code of practice recommends testing the machinery installation twice a year for contaminants such as microorganisms, particles (dirt and dust), humidity, and oil contamination. Refer to this article to learn more about the requirements in the food industry or the standards in the pharmaceutical industry.

With regards to filtration, a centralized air drying and filtration system should suffice if the pipes are relatively new in the facility. However – if the pipes are polluted or hard to clean – it is better to have both a centralized filter as well as a decentralized filter installed upstream of the point of use. New or cleaned pipes are also recommended of zinc-plated steel for food applications, V2A/V4A, compressed air-approved plastic, or aluminum.


How does it work?

The Packaging industry includes a wide variety of materials and products since almost every manufactured product is packaged: toys, food, soft drinks, beverages, cigarettes, cosmetics, brushes, kitchen accessories and more. All the products move down the assembly line before packaging. The packaging process consists of transportation lines made of pipes or ducts to carry a mixture of products and materials along a stream of air.

The pneumatic conveyor system consists of interconnected transition lines, hoses, cylinders, a gas compressor, standard cylinders, and gas (atmosphere). The compressor generates the air flow and transmits the material through a series of hoses. Manual or automatic solenoid valves control the air flow—a centrally located and electrically powered compressor powers cylinders, air motors, and other pneumatic devices. Pneumatic systems are controlled by a simple ON/OFF switch.

There are three conveyor systems that generate high-velocity air streams: a suction system/vacuum system, a pressure system, and a combined system.

A suction or vacuum is used to move light-free-flowing materials. The system operates at 0.5 atm below atmospheric pressure.

A positive pressure compressed air conveying system is used to push material from one point to another.  This type of conveyor operates at a pressure of 6 atm or more.

The combined suction/pressure conveying system is used to convey material from several loading points (suction) to deliver to several unloading destinations (push).


What are some Nex Flow products applied to packaging items?

Pneumatic systems are highly recommended when manufacturing, moving or packaging any product that will be digested or inserted in a living organism, such as food or pharmaceutical goods, since there is no chance of contamination due to burst pipes or oil leaks. Nex Flow manufactures compressed air products that help companies to package goods by supplying machines used for industrial cooling (Vortex tubes), part cleaning, drying, and blow-off, and air-operated conveying before packaging.

Nex Flow engineered air optimization design improves safety while increasing manufacturing and packaging productivity and decreasing energy costs.  The air-operated conveyor systems sold by Nex Flow can replace traditional conveyor belt systems, which have higher operational costs because they need to be regularly maintained.

Spot Cooling

Nex Flow pneumatic products provide the best spot cooling and blow-off solutions for materials before packaging.  Vortex tubes convert compressed air into very cold air for spot cooling for industrial applications. Small vortex tube-operated mini-coolers and vortex cooling can provide extremely cold temperatures for spot cooling before packaging without refrigerants, such as CFCs or HCFCs.  Vortex tubes improve factory safety and reduce noise for workers in a manufacturing environment.

Blow-Off Products

Effective, engineered blow-off products manufactured and sold by Nex flow include air knives, air amplifiers, air jets, and air nozzles. These products are another example of how Nex Flow strives to improve the safety of manufacturing and factory environments because they meet OSHA noise and pressure specifications. Among many other applications, air amplifiers are used to clean and dry parts and remove chips and part ejection.

Air knives and nozzles are used to flip open and close the tops of boxes during packaging. Air blade ionizers effectively remove static that could trap the dirt while using plastic wrap for packages.

Conveying Systems

Compressed air-operated conveying systems move materials and products at high speeds over long distances.   Ring Vac Operated conveyors, and X-Stream Hand Vac are used for conveying materials where vacuum force is required to move products over long distances at high rates. Ring Vac Air operated conveyors were originally designed to help with bending and lifting goods. The speed of conveyors depends on the density of the materials (lbs./cubic foot), horizontal distance, and vertical lift.

A Ring Vac operated conveyor is a simple, low-cost solution to other pneumatic conveying systems. They are available in several materials depending on the application. Ring Vac operated systems are made of anodized aluminum or stainless steel. 316L Stainless Steel pneumatic conveyors are used when moving food and pharmaceutical products or packaging. It is available in regular and high-temperature stainless steel for high-temperature and corrosive environments.

The X-stream® Supreme Pneumatic Conveying System (XSPC) is an air-operated conveyor that uses compressed air for an efficient and power venturi action along the length of the non-clogging design.   The compressed air system is designed to transport or vent lightweight items and raw materials for packaging at high rates over long distances.

The cost-effective systems are ideal for continuous or intermittent use since they are operated by a simple on/off switch and are controlled by a regulator.  All Nex Flow conveyor systems are simple, easy to install and use, compact, portable, and maintenance-free.

Other benefits of compressed air-operated conveying systems are also reliable since there are no moving parts and low maintenance costs.  These systems have no angles to collect contaminants such as moisture, particulate debris, or microbiological growth. They are safe for any factory environment because the system is powered by compressed air and not electricity.

Mufflers, filters, mounting systems, and static control for blowing off dust and debris from statically charged surfaces are available through Nex Flow to improve factory production and efficiency in assembly and packaging goods.

Trust Nex Flow to provide the most efficient, reliable, maintenance-free compressed air solutions for packaging your goods so that they are clean and safe for your customers.


Using Compressed Air in Packaging FEATURED PRODUCTS

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Why Noise Awareness is Important


  • Our ability to hear is critical for much of our communication yet we don’t realize it until we lose or damage our ability to “hear”.
  • High levels of noise can lead to permanent hearing damage and high vibration caused by noise can lead to a variety of significant medical conditions
  • At lower levels, both noise and vibration can cause interference with our ability to hear and feel, such as reducing the ease of normal conversation and can be annoying, irritating and unpleasant
  • For both noise and vibration there is generally a level below which no adverse reaction occurs
  • There are also favorable responses to noise and vibration
  • Individual responses to noise can vary significantly but there are consistent trends between noise level, measured in dB(A), and annoyance for the general public.

Nex Flow® manufactures compressed air operated nozzles, air knives and other blow off products with the above in mind.  The technology works by converting energy normally lost as pressure drop into useful blowing and cooling energy with noise reduction a by-product.  This by-product is very important as these noise level reductions can be 10 dBA or more.


Many production facilities put a heavy emphasis on the energy reduction from the technology but often fail to consider the importance of noise reduction.

As an example of just how much noise effect your well-being check out this article from THE ATLANTIC:

Galvanic Corrosion – What it is and how to prevent it?

Galvanic Corrosion – What it is and how to prevent it?

Galvanic corrosion (also called bimetallic corrosion) is an electrochemical process in which one metal corrodes preferentially when it is in electrical contact with another, in the presence of an electrolyte.  This occurs in batteries for example where the cathode stays whole and the anode corrodes as the battery is working. Contrary to some believes – Galvanic corrosion does not only occur in water. Galvanic cells can form in any electrolyte, including moist air or soil, and in chemical environments. As an example, Over 200 years ago, the British naval frigate Alarm lost its copper sheeting due to the rapid corrosion of the iron nails used to fasten copper to the hull. The electrolyte in this case was salt water creating a galvanic cell.

In the case of the Alarm, the iron acted as an anode and was corroded at the expense of the copper which acted as the cathode. Just two years after attaching the copper sheets, the iron nails that were used to hold the copper to the ship’s underside were already severely corroded, causing the copper sheets to fall off.

Metals and metal alloys all possess different electrode potentials. Electrode potentials are a relative measure of a metal’s tendency to become active in a given electrolyte. When in the same environment, the more active a metal is likely it is to form positively charged electrode (anode) and the less active metal is more likely it is to form a cathode (negatively charged electrode).

The electrolyte acts as a conduit for ion migration, moving metal ions from the anode to the cathode. The anode metal, as a result, corrodes more quickly than it otherwise would, while the cathode metal corrodes more slowly and, in some cases, may not corrode at all.


The Nex Flow Difference Allowing Products to Last Longer than Competitors

While products such as air knives, air nozzles, air amplifiers, vortex tubes, etc. are not necessarily immersed in any electrolyte, if the environment is humid, or if the equipment is subject to wash down procedures, it is very possible that this type of corrosion can occur.  One example is mixing stainless steel and aluminum. There was one example where a competitive cabinet enclosure cooler was observed with a big hole on its side after some years of use. The stainless steel vortex tube inside combined with the aluminum housing, and the factory environment, over time caused the aluminum to act as an anode and started to corrode.

Nex Flow® takes certain steps and actions to prevent this from happening in their products allowing the products to last longer.  The first is to protect aluminum that is used, especially if combining it with steel or stainless steel. Our aluminum air knives for example – are anodized and as such have a protective coating to prevent an “electrical circuit” with the stainless steel shims used inside and the stainless steel screws used to hold the air knife together. In addition, the aluminum would tend to act as an anode anyway in an electrolytic environment and being so large compared to the stainless steel shim corrosion would be minimized. Regardless of whether galvanic corrosion would occur, the anodization also protects the air knife from any environment which bare aluminum is unprotected.  Similarly, Nex Flow anodizes all their aluminum parts – air knives, air jets, nozzles, air wipes and air operated conveyors such as the Ring vacs. Air amplifiers and flat jet nozzles which are aluminum zinc-cast are powder coated for longer life and also look better.

When it comes to vortex tube technology, such as cabinet enclosure coolers (panel coolers) and tool coolers, no aluminum is used. It is stainless steel with some brass internal parts. This works to ensure that you will not find any holes in Nex Flow Panel Coolers caused by galvanic corrosion ever. So when shopping for products to blow off, clean, move, and cool, look not only at the performance data, design and workmanship – all which are important of course – but also refer to the quality and type of material used in construction. You can also refer to this article on how to avoid galvanic corrosion. Remember that materials used and how they are put together does make a difference.

Air Amplification Explained – Is it really free?

Air Amplification Explained compressed air-operated amplifiers presume to reduce compressed air use and lower noise levels in blow-off and cooling applications. The term air amplifier is normally applied to annular-shaped units (called Air Amplifiers or Air Movers).  However, the same technology used applies to air nozzles, air jets (which are essentially small Air Amplifiers), air knives (linear amplifiers), and some air wipe designs.  

They work using the Coanda effect, which essentially is an effect in which a fluid (liquid or gas) clings to a surface as it flows in a laminar flow.  You can see this effect by turning on the water tap in your kitchen at a low level, so the water flow is smooth. Put your finger just touching the flow, and it will bend the water flow as it slings to your finger.  The same thing occurs with a compressed gas like air.

To achieve the best use of this Coanda effect other factors need to be considered such as the volume of the chamber that the compressed air exits to minimize any turbulence inside the chamber and minimize pressure losses.  The number of and actual angles of these Coanda “angles” combined with internal designs where the compressed air is collected before exit determines the overall efficiency and performance of the compressed air used for blow-off. 

As this air bends, it creates a vacuum behind it drawing in surrounding atmospheric air. This “converts” the pressure that is normally lost as pressure drops and noise into the flow. This is important. Several things occur as this additional mass flow is drawn in and mixed with the compressed air. 

First, the overall force goes down because you mix with still (non-moving) atmospheric air. Secondly, the flow is dramatically increased because of this pressure conversion to flow. It is “converted energy” instead of “lost energy.” While the overall force goes down, overall kinetic energy remains high and laminar for some distance. 

This means that whatever blow-off energy is required, it can perform that operation at a greater distance from the exit of the air than if compared to an open pipe or tube. And, of course, because lost energy is recovered, the noise levels drop. So when we state that air amplification is free, it is quite true, but with the caveat that overall force will be lower, but velocity and flow will both be much higher, all due to the extended laminar flow. 

If air is blown with just an open pipe or tube, the exit creates a great deal of turbulence resulting in energy loss and high noise levels. This means that the force may be quite high near the exit, but it will dissipate quickly as you move away from the air exit.   

There are some situations where high pressure is required. In those situations, an air amplification nozzle or device may not meet that force, such as removing heavy mud baked onto a surface or breaking off scale waste from metal.  But the pipe used has to be close to the surface. However, except for those situations, air amplification technology certainly can be used instead, as the vast majority of applications where compressed air is used do not need the full high-pressure force of an airline.  

One suggestion to reduce energy and noise is simply to reduce air pressure for blow-off and even cooling applications. After all, a 20% reduction in compressed air pressure will reduce the compressed air energy by 10%. If you reduce the pressure to 30 pounds from 80 pounds per square inch, that would yield a 25% reduction in energy.  Noise will go down somewhat, but you will still have a great deal of turbulence at the air exit, and you will not get the “distance” for effectiveness that you would with an air amplifier.

But, even an air amplifying air nozzle will get anywhere from 30% to 40% or more energy reduction with the equivalent force, depending on the design of the air nozzle.  For example, older cone-shaped air nozzle designs will reduce energy by 30% and create very high flow and velocity, which is especially ideal for cooling applications. The Nex Flow Air mag design reduces energy by over 40% and works with a powerful force and high flow, and high velocity with the laminar flow at a very long distance, as well as noise reduction.  

The argument for that extra “free” energy from air amplification is therefore very compelling.

As was hinted at above, it is not just the flow profile and Coanda “angles” which affect performance.  It is the internal design of an air amplifier and how the compressed air behaves internally that is also important.  Minimizing internal turbulence is a major consideration in design. For example, you can take five different cone-shaped air nozzles from different manufacturers, test them side by side, and their performance and efficiency can vary by a wide margin. 

In this case, efficiency can be defined as the force produced at a set distance divided by air consumption. There is a design called a Laval nozzle, for example, that was developed to produce less noise and improve energy. However, the noise level improvement is not significantly noticed due to the noise frequencies obtained, and the distance of effectiveness appears to be limited because, to make this design work, the efficient exit of the force-producing airflow has to be contained by a rather inefficient series of air flows from slots around the Laval opening, offsetting any other improvements.  

The Coanda design combined with proper internal design appears to be the optimum methodology in air amplifier design.

Air jets are another example where the Coanda design makes a big difference.  Air Movers or large annual Air Amplifiers, if very small, are called Air Jets.  Most manufacturers of Air Jets have one Coanda angle to direct the air exiting the annual plenum.  Nex Flow Air Jets have several specially designed Coanda angles and can produce the same high level of force and flow with 25% less energy and lower noise levels.

Large annual Air Amplifiers also have efficiency variations among different manufacturers because of internal and external design differences.   A somewhat abused term that often comes up with annular Air Amplifiers is “amplification ratio”. One should be very wary of, frankly, ridiculous claims of high amplification ratios. For example, for annular air amplifiers, the maximum practical ratio you can achieve is about 20 to 1.

This means that if you measure the flow at the exit of an annular Air Amplifier, the flow rate would be 20 times the inlet air.  For several reasons, some producers are claiming as much as 25 times, which is dubious. One reason is that when surrounding air is entrained with the moving compressed air exiting the opening in the Air Amplifier, “still” outside air will slow down the flow velocity at the outlet.

If you entrain, for example, 25 times the compressed air consumed, the velocity would be 20% less than it would be if the figure were only 20 times. That is significant because you need adequate velocity for both blow-off and cooling.  Secondly, the explanations one can read on how this extra air amplification occurs should be challenged as defying physics.

In comparison, Nex Flow has done with such products, the results were a lower air amplification and even lower overall performance because of internal design and extra pressure losses internal to those systems. Anyone can always compare a Nex Flow Air Amplifier to another and see the difference. Nex Flow fixed Air Amplifiers, for example, claim 16 times amplification with a compressed air supply at 80 PSIG (5.5 bar) pressure and at standard atmospheric conditions. 

These figures are averages because air amplification will go up (as much as 20) at lower inlet air pressure and if the atmospheric air is warm.

Air knives are another area where figures need to be considered between manufacturers.  Air knives are linear air amplifiers. There are two styles of compressed air-operated air knives on the market.  The older style uses several Coanda angles where the air exits a gap, normally maintained using a shim to set the gap, and is bent 90 degrees. 

This gives a decent air amplification ratio of about 10:1 right at the exit and 25:1 to 30:1 measured 6 inches away (due to downstream air entrainment) depending on internal design effects.  Some manufacturers have air knives with two gaps and claim as much of a 50:1 amplification ratio (two gaps, so they double the ratio) which makes dubious sense. You don’t double the air out and the ratio – it does not make sense to have it “additive.” 

So again, it is good to challenge claims that may seem to make sense. Another thing to consider, especially with air knives, is real efficiency. Efficiency, as before, is the force measured at a distance per unit of air consumption, for example, force/SCFM. Internal design can make a difference.  Newer style air knives have the airflow exiting straight out of the gap with air entrainment from special angles on each side of the air gap.

This design will provide 25% more force/SCFM than the older style versions, where the air bends 90 degrees. Hence their popularity has largely displaced the older style, but there are still some applications where the old style is useful.  But even among the new style, design differences can affect performance and efficiency.


Nex Flow, for example, with their Silent X-Stream Air Blade air knife has a different internal design than two other significant air knife manufacturers and has about the same force/SCFM as them at a given pressure except for one thing… Nex Flow produces the same SCFM and same force at 60 PSIG, while the other units get equal performance and efficiency at 80 PSIG.  That means a Nex Flow air knife needs less pressure to do the same job as the others.

It was quite humorous when one manufacturer claimed in a blog that our air knives used so much more air at a given pressure, but without mentioning the force produced, a poorly written defense of the fact that they are less efficient. 

If the Nex Flow unit replaced the competitive unit, the air pressure could be reduced by 20 PSIG. As mentioned earlier in this article, that pressure reduction represents a 10% energy saving. So when comparing products, it is very important to look at all the facts. One of the other aspects of the Nex Flow Silent X-stream Air Blade air knife that dramatically illustrates efficiency is how quiet it is, even compared to other designs of its type. 

One other point to mention is the flow profile.  When an air nozzle, air jet, air amplifier, or air knife produces the amplified airflow, the profile will affect the force per square inch or square millimeter.  This is particularly important in air nozzles. You need to decide on the minimum force required and the surface area you need to address.

This is especially important if putting together a row of nozzles for blow-off.  You want the flow profiles to cover the required area without missing any spots or overlapping. A wider profile produces less force per unit area than a more focused air nozzle.

Air amplification is free, but among different designs, it can be more or less free than others.   Besides reducing energy and noise, it is important to remember that air-amplifying products work at a greater distance than just open pipe or tubing. 

The velocity produced by air amplification products is very important when used for cooling. The high velocity combined with the high flow is important, but they are mutually dependent.  The more flow, the less velocity. The less velocity, the more flow. If the velocity is too low, you will not get the same cooling effect. Think of driving a car on a hot day with the window down. 

It’s the same volume of air coming in to cool you, but the velocity from driving fast helps cool you more. But most certainly, air-amplifying products reduce energy use, and noise levels and make factory operations using compressed air more environmentally friendly.


Hollywood Special Effects with Nex Flow® Compressed Air Accessories

Hollywood Special Effects with Nex Flow® Compressed Air Accessories

Not only have Nex Flow® products been used for Hollywood special effects for US made movies but also for movies made by other jurisdictions and for special effects in museums and in theme parks.

The most popular products used are the air knives and the air amplifiers for creating special effects where wind or heavy air flow needs to be simulated. The advantage of the Nex Flow air knife design is its high efficiency in being able to produce more flow and force at a lower pressure than competitive units (performs the same at 60 PSIG compared to competitors operating at 80 PSIG).  The Nex Flow Fixed Air Amplifiers as well as more efficient than competitive designs by about 10% and are much more rugged for easier handling and use.

One unique application in a Stephen King movie was the use of a standard air knife which operates by having the compressed air exit the air knife, and bending 90 degrees over a series of angles.  When aiming a flame source against the flow, the air bends the flame also 90 degrees. With some computer manipulation this simulated a barrier against a flame (bending it 90 degrees).  

One of my favorite application is from the original X-files series filmed in Canada.  The fixed air amplifiers were used to simulate heavy air flow as one of the characters (Mulder) in the X-files was taken by aliens from an airplane. That was simulated by using several AM125 units (now the part number has been changed to FX125).



Standard air knives (Model 10024 – 24” long units) have been used in the Keanu Reeves remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still.  If you have seen the movie there are several scenes where the grass is rustling from the wind. This effect was created using the air knives.  Because of its even air flow it made a realistic simulation of wind blowing over a large area that was filmed.

Product has been used even off camera.  In one of the James Bond movies (the most recent James Bond with Daniel Craig) there is a scene where there is a sand storm and the cameras that were doing the filming had protected the camera lenses with air knives that acted as a barrier to prevent the sand from hitting the lenses.

We do not always know what the specific application is for the product.  Several 2” Fixed Air Amplifiers were purchased by a special effect company in Brazil but we were not told of the scene.  In 2018 some products were purchased for apparently a major superhero movie but we were advised that we could not disclose the details. Needless to say, I will be viewing all the superhero movies for clues on where the products might be applied! While it might not be as exciting as appearing in a movie, having your product in a movie is kinda cool!

It’s not only movies that use Nex Flow products.  A large number of 4” Air Amplifiers were purchased a few years back by Universal Studios when revamping their special effect “wind from King Kong’s breathing” at their King Kong ride. They replaced product previously supplied by a competitor with the superior and better priced Nex Flow product.

Museums are also trying to have exhibit that are more interactive. One such museum approached Nex Flow to use a small air amplifier or air jet to simulating the effect of bats flying by people in one of their bats tunnel.

The advantage of using the Nex Flow compressed air amplification technology is the portability, ease of use and also the quiet non-disturbing operation of the products.  The compressed air is supplied by a compressor in the film studio or from a rented portable compressor when filming on site.

Ring Vac® air operated conveyors were also used by one special effect company but in this case we were not advised of the special effect. We suspect it may have been used to simulate the firing of a projectile of some sort.

Regardless of the particular special effect, there are many uses for compressed air accessories in the entertainment industry, whether for films, television, theme parks or interactive displays in museums. The application of Nex FlowTM compressed air products for blowing or conveying is limited only to the imagination. The low cost, compact nature, portability, and low noise level of the products make them attractive to use in creating special effects.

When should I consider using an Air Mag® Air Nozzle?

Compressed air nozzle – air saving nozzle or engineered blow off nozzles are good to have but there are so many of them. This is why many people get confused and stick to the same products they are familiar with even if there are more efficient versions out there. Worse yet, in some cases engineered nozzles are not used at all and open pipes and tube are used. The price range for nozzles also vary tremendously in the market. The problem stems from a lack of compressed air knowledge to make a proper decision.

In a recent Compressed Air Best practices article, there was an example of a company that reduced compressed air cost by over half – the biggest saving was actually in replacing compressed air jets and pipes with proper engineered nozzles. This alone indicates the tremendous importance to keep compressed air costs low.  Another reason to choose a well designed nozzle is noise level. The exhaust noise from compressed air from open pipe is very loud – not only uncomfortable but also very dangerous to personnel. A well designed unit can reduce this noise and meet the OSHA standards for safety (dead end pressure must be less than 30 PSIG). You get energy reduction, noise reduction and safety.

But how do you choose the best compressed air nozzle?  Do you choose the cheapest? The most expensive? So many designs do look the same, at least on the outside.  But, the fact is, they are NOT all the same – even if they have the same external appearance. Here is why…..

First of all there are two basic designs available – the cone shaped air nozzle which is the oldest design and a bullet shaped design that was first invented in 1989 so it is relatively new. Both designs save energy, are safe and reduce noise levels. The bullet designs focus on noise reduction but also energy reduction and high force. In comparing the two designs the main difference are as follows…

On one hand, the Bullet nozzles gives a higher force/unit air consumption.
On the other hand, the Cone nozzles produce a higher flow output /unit air consumption.

This would imply that for applications where force is more important such as in part ejection the tendency would be toward choosing the bullet design. As for cooling, the flow output is more important and the cone shaped designs would be the wiser choice. Bullet shaped nozzles are more expensive to manufacturer and as a result are more costly to purchase.

Having said that, in either design, the performance can still vary quite dramatically.  For example, we have one customer who tested a wide range of cone nozzles as for the particular application the main criteria was mass flow and not force.  In this case both efficiency and noise were still important as was cost since the customer is an OEM and purchases a large volume. The Nex Flow® unit was the most quiet and the most efficient in both output and energy use. This was despite the fact that all the nozzles tested looked quite similar emphasizing the fact that “it’s not just the outside, but it’s the inside that matters”.

The same applies to the bullet nozzles.  There are endless copies on the market, many claiming performance to be the same or nearly the same as the item(s) they copied. When Nex Flow® decided to create the Air Mag® nozzles a decision was made to make sure they produced the highest force/unit air consumption (SCFM) against all other brands on the market. So at least at this point in time, our Air Mag® nozzle is the most efficient bullet shaped design in the market.  The other goal was to price the units lower than competitive unit with the near, or close performance as the Nex Flow® designs.  Noise levels also had to match or be quieter than other models of the same size. These goal were all achieved giving birth to the first Air Mag® Air Nozzle of the series (Model 47004AMF).   Price and noise level is important and an immediate means for customers to evaluate the quality.  Exceeding or at least matching the performance of any competitive nozzle is important in order to easily replace less performing and/or inefficient nozzles and improve upon the application or match the previous application.

This is because “differences” are far more visible to pressure drop than other products such as air knives and amplifiers when one is replaced with another.  If a competitive unit uses even as little as one additional SCFM to produce the same force, that extra flow can affect the actual pressure entering the nozzle reducing the force and not working as well. We know of one specific instance where a competitor tried to replace one brand with another that was lower in price. While similar in design, the performance did not match up despite claims of equal force in their literature.  What was ignored was the air consumption so the replacement did not work. The Nex Flow® Air Mag® nozzles however would work because of its improved efficiency. This rather sensitive reaction of nozzles to installations from pressure drop tends to be the reason why companies usually opt to stay with the same brand once a decision on the product is made as maintaining consistency in output is important in production.  The Nex Flow® approach allows for customers to easily test and be rest assured that they can replace possibly more costly brands with the lower cost Nex Flow® nozzle with no risk to the production operation.

Additional advantages in the Air Mag® design is more rugged for greater safety and longer life, patented hole design to improve efficiency as well as a sleek body design to keep exhaust noise levels low and allow for the unit to work effectively at a greater distance than other products on the market.  This extra distance can be very important in applications where the nozzle cannot be placed close to a part.

Efficiency in force per unit of air consumption, rugged design, longer distance for effective operation, right pricing, low noise levels and safety are all good reasons to consider the Nex Flow® Air Mag® Air Nozzle.

Case Study: Nex Flow Air Knife Making Chicken Nuggets and Delicious Muffins

Case Study: Nex Flow Air Knife Making Chicken Nuggets and Delicious Muffins

Making muffins, or any mass food production operation has critical standards of quality that must be met. If cooking or baking is involved the heat needs to be precise and consistent.  Similarly for the ingredients involved in the cooking or baking process.

Nex Flow Air Knives (also called Air Blades) are used extensively to replace drilled pipe or rows of nozzles and jets for blow off, drying and even cooling. As they are compressed air operated the flow rate and blow off force produced can easily and accurately be controlled for any of the applications.

This accurate control with compressed air operated air knives was especially useful in an interesting and unique application involving the baking of muffins that was installed some years ago. The muffins are produced continuously and then placed evenly spaced in rows onto a conveyor. As the muffins move along the conveyor sugar is added onto the tops of each of the muffins before they enter an oven. The conveyor is continually moving.  The nature of the process of adding the sugar caused occasionally too much sugar to be applied to some of the products. As the muffins moved through the oven, the oversupply of sugar would create burnt tops or overly baked tops which were out of specification and had to be disposed of. While they may have been rejected I am sure some would have been disposed of by eager, and hungry personnel on the line in a very humane manner) The operation I must admit, was very pleasant to the smell and I remember it to this day! To prevent burnt tops – a mechanism had to be put in place to limit the amount of sugar on the muffins.

The means to remove excess sugar was achieved by using a stainless steel air knife at very low compressed air pressure. Very little energy was required to remove the excess sugar and it had to be finely tuned so that just the right amount of sugar was removed. The result is a perfect muffin every time. Yummy!!! The air knife needed to have a high quality in control of manufacture to produce the even flow required with low pressure across the length of the web to cover all the muffins. It also had to be in stainless steel as it is being applied in a food processing plant. Since Nex Flow air knives have this necessary high quality control, so no issues arise in this kind of application.

A similar food processing application came up years later at a factory making chicken nuggets. In this operation the company had previously used blowers to remove access breading on the nuggets. The reason is in the same vein – too much breading on the nuggets produces product that is out of specification. The blowers worked fine but very high maintenance is required. This is because the environment had to be cold for processing meat products and heavy wash downs of equipment must be done daily – thus creating this high maintenance environment for blowers. So instead, the plant switched over to using our stainless steel X-stream Air Blade air knives at very low pressure to remove the excess breading. As was with the muffins, it was all done on moving conveyors.   Not only did the compressed air operated air knives perform the job well, it virtually needed no maintenance decreasing quite a bit of the cost.  Because the pressure used was only around 10 PSIG for the blow off of excess breading the energy cost increase compared to what was used with the blowers was negligible. Another benefit was the very quiet operation of the air knife. At 80 PSIG the exhaust air noise level from the air knife is only 69 dBA and at 10 PSIG the sound was barely audible. The savings in maintenance cost, downtime, and personnel time for outweighed the slight increase in energy costs. Years of maintenance free, reliable product is assured with the use of the silent X-Stream Air Blade air knife. The much smaller footprint of the compressed air device replaced the bulky and noisy blower, creating more space and a better working environment for the employees.

In both operations and outlined above, it is important to have clean and dry compressed air. As compressed air makes contact with the food product in both of the above application – strict guidelines must be followed to ensure that the compressed air is free from contaminants with potential health hazards.

The reasons for choosing the compressed air operated air knives in both situations were similar:

First, it was used to improve the quality of the end product and the solution had to be tightly controlled (not too much, not too little). The compressed air solution allowed that to be done with the use of a simple regulator to set the optimum pressure.

Second, a simple and quick relatively low cost solution was required. In the muffin case, just the capital cost involved in getting a blower system would take a long time to get equipment approval, in addition to space considerations. As for the nuggets, the benefit of reduced maintenance and downtime alone, regardless of the extra benefits of less noise and more space was enough to justify the solution.

Third, easy installation, low noise, small footprint, and ease of use with near zero maintenance made the solution. In many processes you can still see open pipe and open air lines being used for drying, cooling, cleaning and moving products, but with very little investment, the process can be improved dramatically using the compressed air technology. Replacing open pipe, tubing, or drilled pipe using compressed air with the appropriate nozzle type from Nex Flow can reduce noise levels by 10 dBA or more. It can improve safety and improve the manufacturing process with paybacks in energy use in less than a year.  When replacing blower systems, the maintenance costs should also be weighed in along with assessing the actual pressures used in the process. Another factor to consider is whether the blow off, cleaning, drying, cooling or moving of part is intermittent. A compressed air solution allows for an on/off switch, wherein blowers system have to be on all the time. This means that compressed air can be used “on demand” to further save energy.

Contact one of our personnel, so we can help assess your application to determine the best approach to improving your operations, in all sorts of industries that involve the use of compressed air. Our goal is to make sure that compressed air is used in the most optimum, most productive, and the safest way in a factory environment.


How often should I Perform Routine Check-ups on my Compressed Air System? What should I Look for?

In the previous blog, we focused on tips to prolong the life of your compressed air accessories. Today we will discuss the importance of establishing an inspection routine for your entire compressed air system along with a checklist of items to inspect.


Benefits of Regular Inspections

There are significant returns on the time you spend to inspect your compressed air system regularly. It just takes a little organization to collect detailed information and track changes. This data will encourage and direct your team to perform preventable actions to enhance your compressed air system’s performance. Other benefits of routine inspection include boosting productivity, decreasing waste, optimizing efficiency, seeing opportunities for compressed air applications, and planning for the future. This priceless information regarding efficiency and production, collected just by identifying leaks or areas of potential leaks will allow Nex Flow to recommend cost savings and increased reliability of equipment. It may also encourage your team to simply clean accessories, such as filters regularly.  The knowledge of  the acceptable working range of the gauges will ensure your system is running well. This knowledge can prevent major damage to equipment and prevent costly repair. It will also prolong the life of your equipment.  Simply put, regular inspections will allow your compressed air system to go further, do more, and be more valuable.


Before the Inspection

It is handy to record the equipment data on a tracking sheet before you begin your inspection.  Search through your files and write down the type of compressor, and manufacturer, the model and serial numbers, and flow rating Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM).  Other useful compressor information includes the horsepower at revolutions per minute (HP@RPM) and pressure rating pounds per square inch gauge (PSIG). Determine if the compressor is equipped with a pressure gauge or spring-loaded safety valve. Some compressors have a drain valve while others allow you to remove water and oil.

Know the dryer manufacturer, exit flow rate at the dew point (oC or oF), and model and serial numbers. Record the oil/water separator manufacturer, model and serial numbers, and the flow rate in CFM. Keep these inspection sheets in a binder and refer to them often.


Inspection Equipment

To make easy your inspection, Nex Flow offers leak detecting equipment that makes your routine checks effortless. Ultrasonic leak detectors identify issues before they become costly to repair. Auto drains use solenoid valves for compressed air systems where air could be released to the factory floor.

Once the damage, leaks, or cracks are identified, it is important to assess the severity of the issue and prioritize so that you can improve the efficiency of your compressed air system in the best most cost-efficient way. There are various types of compressed air system inspections: visual, mechanical, calibration, and tests. When performing a visual or mechanical test, it is important to keep track of the condition of the equipment: good, dirty, cracked, etc. The age of equipment is important.  Piping and tubing over time can build up scale and corrosion. The debris that collects may require cleaning. The following equipment may require replacement: Filter elements, parts in air tools such as O-rings, and tubing.

If the equipment is dirty – then the inspector should tell the employee responsible to clean the equipment. If the equipment is cracked or damaged, the maintenance personnel should be informed so that they can determine the return on investment for either repairing or replacing the equipment.  Tracking the condition of your compressed air system is as important as conducting regular inspections.


Inspection List

“Treatment without prevention is simply unsustainable” – Bill Gates

“It is usually impossible to know when you have prevented an accident.” – Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Being proactive by inspecting your compressed air system regularly not only increases the life span of your equipment, but also your operation, maintenance, down-time, and replacement costs will decrease. Leaks divert up to 25 percent of your compressed air away from your system. Finally, it is an excellent source of information that is helpful in determining a return in investment for repairs.

Assessments could include an accurate Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM) scoring for objective measurement. Single stage air compressors may reach pressures of 150 PSI. A single stage pump has higher CFM rating than a two-stage pump since every cylinder compressing air during every rotation.

Here is a list of items to inspect on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis:



The following items need to checked most often:

  • Listen for strange sounds
  • Keep everything tight: accessories, nuts, bolts, anchors, and screws
  • Check for leaks in the air inlet, receiver, delivery lines, coupling, filters, fittings, valves, and connectors.  
  • Search for damage to external equipment or component parts
  • Quality of pipes: Pipes that are clean, dry, and free of corrosion are great indicators of good quality tubing and hoses
  • Wear and tear of equipment, especially piping. Check for damaged, aging, or cracks.
  • Check for cracks in drive belts and coolers
  • Aging disconnects for leaks
  • Oil level on airline lubricators and replace oil regularly
  • Compressed air enclosure temperature
  • Operating temperature and pressure of the entire system
  • Room ventilation temperature should be as cool as possible
  • Clear and clean drain traps
  • Look for decreases in:
    • Pressure
    • Dew point
    • Refrigerant pressure
  • Check lubrication in the distribution system and valves
  • Check air quality. It should be free of debris and dry
  • Power supply to air compressor is working well
  • Ensure that manual distribution condensate traps have not been left open
  • Check accessories for wear, dirt, or leaks:
    • filters (oil and air),
    • separators (shims)
    • nozzles
    • pumps (air, vacuum)
    • fitted drive belts


Dust and sludge corrode very quickly and increase leaking in compressed air equipment.  Keep the air in the system dry and filtered to reduce maintenance. It is recommended that you check the following weekly:

  • Lines
  • Gaskets
  • Fittings
  • Valves
  • Clamps
  • Connections
  • Filters for dust, dirt, or sludge
  • Tanks
  • Condition of oil
  • Compressor
  • Check the coolant and refill it regularly since the coolant prevents your system from overheating and prolongs the life of your compressed air system.
  • Use test buttons on electronic systems and manual bypass valve to ensure that all drain traps are working correctly


The following items should be checked monthly:

  • Examine your compressed air system system’s response to manufacturing requirements
  • Calibrate sensors, controllers, and valves
  • Access your factory’s true production level efficiency and determine areas of improvement
  • Completeness of air compressor system assembly
  • Equipment rotation
  • Equipment identification, labeling and tagging
  • Adequate working space for ventilation
  • Control system
  • Comparison to plans and drawings
  • Safety devices
  • Test the following for operation efficiency:
    • Air compressor
    • Air dryer
    • Water and oil separator (if applicable)
    • Pressure
    • Filter and traps
    • System test
    • Receiver system is stopping at the set maximum pressure

Most importantly, take notes and track your information so that you can identify trends and budget for future expenses such as repair and replacement of aging equipment. Information that is important to note includes: operating temperatures, pressure, flow, and levels.


After the Inspection

Regular inspections should be conducted by the same employee but if that is not possible track the personnel who did the inspection by recording the following information: Name, Designation, Contact Information, the Time and Date of the inspection with signature sign off. The inspection should be acknowledged by your safety liaison officer and manager. The approval of the inspection should be signed by the person responsible for inspection. Typically, the person responsible is the factory floor manager.

Nex Flow technical experts are happy to help you inspect, analyze, and recommend areas in your factory environment that could improve cost savings, reliability, and productivity.

How to Prolong the Life and Get Superior Performance from Compressed Air Accessories

Nex Flow compressed air accessories can complement and enhance your compressed air systems. Awareness of the best accessories (based on application) can save energy, extend the lifespan of equipment, and provide a safe environment for workers when using compressed air. This article describes tips that enhance the performance and prolongs the life of compress air accessories.


What are Examples of Compressed Air Accessories?

Compressed air accessories include filters (oil and water), separators (shims), valves, nozzles, tubing, hoses, etc. Nex Flow engineering experts are happy to provide advice when choosing the best compressed air accessories for your application. We are dedicated to reducing the cost of compressed air system operation and extending the life of your products.  All products come with a 5-year manufacturing warranty.


Prevent Leaks

Benjamin Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  Be proactive by regularly checking for leaks in filters, fittings, valves, and connectors.  Leaks occur especially when your compressed air system is aging. Inspecting your entire system regularly prevents leaking air. Leaks can originate from lines, gaskets, fittings, valves, clamps and connections. They can divert an estimated 25 percent of your compressed air. Leak detectors can be helpful in identifying the issues before they become costly to repair. In addition, solenoid valves can be used to control the flow of liquid and gases.

Check the quality of pipes in your compressed air system. Simply using quality and replacing worn out pipes can save energy and maintenance costs. Pipes that are free of corrosion, clean, and dry are a good indication of quality piping.  If the air is not properly filtered, dust appears in the pipes which could lead to inlet filters becoming clogged, causing a decrease in pressure, and the chance of product contamination. If left unattended, wastes will accumulate, and these dust and sludge will corrode piping very quickly and exacerbate leakage. Properly dried and filtered air keeps your pipe system clean and reduces maintenance.


Inspect Equipment Regularly

Strange noises and excessive vibration are indications of problems. Learn to recognize issues as soon as problems occur.  Inspect the entire compressed air system regularly including accessories. Keep everything tight because otherwise screws, nuts, and bolts can all loosen. Tighten accessory that has become loose.  It is highly recommended to regularly inspect your system, understand and know the acceptable range of the gauges so you can flag if the system is abnormal. This knowledge can prevent major damage to equipment and prevent costly repair. Check the coolant and refill it regularly since the coolant prevents your system from overheating and prolongs the life of your compressed air system.



With the help of expert technicians with years of experience, develop a daily cleaning routine of your system and accessories. Remove filters and blow them clear of dust to extend the life of the pipes, filters, and nozzles. Dust and debris can collect in filters and if they clog, it will impact the effectiveness of your system. Other than dusts, filters should also be drained of any liquid they collect. Remember that any residue may dry and leave a film – this is especially hard to remove if it is an oil residue. So before putting the filters back in use – it is important the filters are properly drained and cleaned to prolong the lifespan of the product.

Seek out moisture in your entire system. Moisture can cause wear and tear on your accessories.  Condensation can deteriorate the health of your system and shortens the lifespan of equipment. Ensure that the air compressor is eliminating moisture as expected on a daily basis.  Furthermore, check drains and separators to ensure that no moisture is pooling.



It is highly recommended to follow the compressor maintenance schedule. Ignoring maintenance costs more because it leads to costly repair and replacement expenses.   It is critically important that the correct lubricant is used on tools and compressed air accessories to promote long life. Incorrect lubricant can damage internal parts. For blow-off or air conditioning systems, it is equally important not to use a lubricant since it could block the nozzle. In situations where the entire air system is lubricated, it is recommended that an oil removal filter is installed upstream.

A compressor runs more efficiently when properly maintained. Proper compressor maintenance cuts energy costs and prevents breakdowns.  Maintain oil change schedules and other timely scheduled maintenance on your compressors. Consult your air compressor supplier for advice regarding the most efficient method to run based on the application of use, especially if you own several compressor units.

Vortex tube cooling for cabinet enclosures is essential in very dirty or humid environments. The use of cabinets coolers not only keep the control panel clean but also keep maintenance costs to a minimum.  If the equipment become clogged and stops working, the cost of an enclosure is easily recovered compared to stopping work to repair sensitive parts on the control panel.


Pre-packaged Electronic Thermostat

Setting the temperature of when compressed air will be used, will extend the lifespan of your equipment. Thermostats control the temperature setting inside your control panel.  The compressed air equipment will only be used when necessary. Also, Nex Flow® Panel Coolers ensures a positive pressure to keep out atmospheric air in control panels.  A small amount of air flowing into the control panel is important to maintain a slightly positive pressure. Nex Flow also offers a special temperature-sensitive sticker that is put on the outside of a control panel as a qualitative indicator to show when a  panel is overheating. 

Proper Filtration Use

Using proper filters based on the application and changing filters regularly will prolong the life of your blow off products. Instead of using cartridge filters, where water and oil removal pose a high maintenance cost, it would be wise to use the following compressed air accessories for longer life:


Oil Removal Filters – an excellent choice for oil removal because it filters up to 0.3 microns.

Liquid Super Separator – removes 99.99% oil and water from a compressed air system. This filter addresses access water problems and extends the life of existing filters.


Use Stainless Steel Shims for longer life

Unlike other manufacturers – Nex Flow® only sells stainless steel shims because we understand that plastic shims will wear out quickly. When required, shim kits and individual sizes are available for spare parts, enlarge the gaps in existing products to increase flow/force, or to replace old shims if necessary.



Having keen knowledge of how your compressed air system works optimally only occurs when a regular maintenance and inspecting schedule is kept. Once you are aware of your compressed air system, issues. Loose or loud components, can be quickly replaced and maintained before expensive repairs are necessary.  Knowing the correct compressed air accessory for the application will save operation costs and extend the life of the equipment you have installed. Nex Flow is the company that is most qualified to help you select the most effective compressed air accessories for your application.


Louder Does not Mean More Power


Have you ever heard someone said something along the lines of “well that’s definitely a powerful machine – just listen to how loud it is”. While this may be true some of the time it is not always the case.  When working with compressed air, having a well-designed machines and accessory that is equally powerful at a much lower noise level is always a plus. Here are some things to consider about noise.

Loud Noise Means Less Efficiency

Have you ever tried to concentrate with loud noise? It is much more difficult to think clearly with loud noise. But it’s not just personal efficiency that can be negatively affected, the efficiency of the device making the noise can also be jeopardized. For instance, the noise involved with compressed air blow-off can mean a leakage or an inefficient design. It is still prevalent to use open tubes and jets and drilled pipe for blowing compressed air in production applications to clean, cool and move products. However, the exhaust noise using these methods can exceed 90 dBA depending on the pressure used and the bulk of the noise generated by this method of blowing with compressed air is from the energy lost as it exits the tube or pipe. In other words, the energy is loss as noise and pressure drop because the flow and force from dilled pipes and open tubes are mostly turbulent.

Turbulent Flow can be characterized as having tiny whirlpool regions and it also increases the amount of air resistance which is useful for accelerating heat conduction and thermal mixing. However, it is not useful for blowing applications. Turbulent flow will produce a great deal more noise. For blowing with compressed air, whether for cooling or cleaning or drying, laminar air flow is preferred.

Laminar Flow is when the flow of a fluid (in this case, air) follows a smooth path, or paths which never interfere with one another. One result of laminar flow is that the velocity of the fluid is constant at any point in the fluid movement path.

Just how much can noise be reduced and how much energy saved using blow off products that produce a laminar flow? The answer is – quite dramatic. A laminar flow nozzle can reduce noise levels as much as 10 dBA and reduce energy consumption by 30% – 40%. Likewise, laminar flow air knives which is basically long, flat nozzles are used to replace drilled pipe for higher efficiency. Some designs are extremely quiet and can reduce exhaust air noise to as low as 69 dBA.


High Noise Level is a Hazard

Of the roughly 40 million Americans suffering from hearing loss, 10 million can be attributed to noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). NIHL can be caused by a one-time exposure to loud sound as well as by repeated exposure to sounds at various loudness levels over an extended period of time.

Sound pressure is measured in decibels (dB). The average person can hear sounds down to about 0 dB, the level of rustling leaves. A handful of people with very good hearing can hear sounds down to -15 dB. On the other end of the gauge, a sound that reaches 85 dB or stronger can cause permanent damage to your hearing even if exposed for a very short time. The timespan you listen to a sound affects how much damage it can cause. The quieter the sound, the longer you can listen to it safely. A very quiet sound will not cause damage even if you listen to it for a very long time. However, a sound that reaches 85 dB can cause enough damage to induce permanent hearing loss. Here are some common sounds.

  • A typical conversation occurs at 60 dB – not enough to cause damage.
  • A bulldozer that is only idling (not actively bulldozing) is loud enough at 85 dB – after only 8 hours it can cause permanent ear damage.
  • When listening to music – a stock earphones at maximum volume can generate sounds reaching a level of over 100 dBA. Loud enough to begin causing permanent damage after just 15 minutes a day!
  • A clap of thunder from a nearby storm (120 dB) or a gunshot (140-190 dB, depending on weapon), can both cause immediate damage.

It is estimated that as many as 30 million Americans are exposed to potentially harmful sounds at work. Even outside of work, many people participate in recreational activities that exposes them to harmful noise (i.e. musical concerts, use of power tools, etc.).


Designing the Future of Air Blow Off Technology

Nex Flow® Air Products Corp. continually perform and fund research to constantly improve the efficiency and safety of compressed air accessories. With this approach, we are able to offer noise reduction for compressed air technologies that are equally or more efficient than competitive units.

Air Nozzles

Our Air Nozzles are engineered to reduce noise by 10 dBA over open pipe, tube or jets and maximize laminar flow to increase force/compressed air consumed.

One of the oldest styles of air saving, noise reducing air nozzles are of a cone shaped design. But if you put every single design next to one another both energy saving and noise reduction will vary greatly because many times the aerodynamic design is neglected. Having the nozzle outside appearance as a cone shape in not enough. There are many other (proprietary) factors to consider to truly minimize turbulence and maximize laminar flow. The cone shaped designs are still the optimum style to use for maximizing total volume of flow produced per quantity of compressed air consumed and is especially ideal for cooling applications. Where cost is a factor, this model is ideal.

The Air Mag is another one of our engineered nozzle with patented design. The bullet shaped design trumps the cone shaped design for producing the highest force/quantity of compressed air consumed. The patented design allows the Air Mag to provide the furthest distance for laminar flow compared to competitive units. Other bullet shaped nozzles need to be close to the target as turbulent flow begins to occur after only a short distance from the nozzle. Our unique design helps significantly extend the range of the laminar flow. Due to increased complexity and manufacturing processes, they are more costly than the cone shaped designs. However, they are the best option for when force produced is an important factor.

Air Knives
When replacing drilled pipe with holes, the Nex Flow Silent X-stream Air Blade air knife lives up to its name. At 80 PSIG the unit is runs on just 69 dBA exhaust noise and uses the same air consumption as if running competitive units at 60PSIG. Extremely popular as they often replace competitive units in the field because of the design and quality of manufacture.

Other blow off products we offer include air flow amplifiers, air jets, and many more. Our accessories are used not only for blow off and cooling applications but can also be used for conveying, cleaning and to control static electricity.

The next time you hear a loud sound when using compressed air anywhere in the production line, don’t forget to check and see what is making that noise. Loud noise is a health hazard and is often wasted energy. So, if the source of the noise is coming from an open tube, open pipe or a drilled pipe of any sort, chances are, you can reduce this noise very quickly and even reduce energy and get better performance by using low cost products from Nex Flow®.

Plan with Nex Flow CAD Models, Drawings and Product Dimensions

Plan With Nex Flow CAD Models Today!

Some product manufacturers require you to register your personal data to obtain drawings and technical data. Nex Flow does not – as we believe “information that will help you in choosing your product should be free and accessible”. Nex Flow has faith in its products, quality and performance and strive to be there for you when needed. Hence, we do not interfere with the privacy of our product users just because a drawing is needed. We truly believe that our transparency, service, openness and good value can help to optimize any plant in terms of efficiency, energy use, sound levels and much more.

If you would like to receive a monthly update from us – you can opt in to our mailing list in which you can cancel at any time. We consider all customers to be partners treated with respect and that – means reasonable access to information that is required for you to work easily and privately.

One of the most useful information required by anyone utilizing Nex Flow products is the products’ performance but they also need to know if the products will “fit” into an application location. Machine builders and designers require drawings of product to be able to easily incorporate them into their designs. This is the very reason why we openly provide our drawings and dimensions to designers and users so you can best choose the product that “fits” your application.

Four drawing formats provided are:

PDF 2 dimensional PDF of a CAD drawing fort customers that just require to get an idea of dimensions
3D PDF Three dimensional drawing of the products that gives an idea of its real life look
CAD 2 dimensional drawing of the products useable in design
IGS A data format that makes it possible for Computer-aided design (CAD) systems to exchange information and easily incorporate the product into a customer design


The most common products where these drawings are utilized are:

Nozzle image with
small caption linking
to nozzle page
Air knives Air amplifiers Air wipes
Air operated Conveyors Vortex Tubes Panel Coolers

The reason being that these products are typically part of a production line that have to be placed and oriented a certain way to work properly and to be assured that they fit for the application.

Other Nex Flow products also have these drawings available even if they are not necessarily incorporated into an initial product design. For example, Tool Coolers, Adjustable Spot Coolers and Mini Coolers come with magnet attachment so they can be mounted easily onto a machine. Sometimes these products are used intermittently because they are not always needed for a particular application or they are moved around and shared between several machines but the information is still necessary to visualize how they can be mounted.

All Nex Flow products need to be connected to a compressed air supply lines, filters, regulators and other types of in line equipment, most often supplied separately by others (although also available by Nex Flow). Machine builders and designers typically go direct to manufacturers of individual products because that is the way to get the best price as well as the technical data and drawings needed. End users usually have standard or existing suppliers for many of the accessories as well.

Air gun drawings are useful to give an idea of how the guns can fit into a person’s hand. There are many low cost – frankly cheap – air guns on the market but many times they are not very well designed for comfort. If the air guns are used extensively, a drawing will help visualize its use in your operation. Of special importance would be heavy duty air guns used for difficult air blow off applications. They need to be especially ergonometric to maximize comfort for the user.

The dimensions of items used in places where space can be a premium is also especially useful – such as vortex tube operated Panel Coolers which are mounted onto control panels but also used for cooling items such as cameras, and vortex tubes themselves. Panel Coolers are normally mounted on the top of control panels and there has to be enough space on the top of the panel, otherwise a side-mount should be used.

Static control technology is another item where drawings are useful in placement of product.  Static eliminators and their distance to the product is critical for their effectiveness and they also require a power supply near proximity to the static bar.

Having easy and anonymous access to these drawings makes the job of designing and choosing a product easier, more efficient and also helps to protect the work of the people using the information freely offered by Nex Flow.

Compressed Air Uses in the Automotive Manufacturing Industry

Compressed Air Uses in the Automotive Manufacturing Industry

Advanced computer technologies, automated assembly systems, and high-quality compressed air systems have changed the automotive manufacturing industry. Consumers can purchase safer, more fuel-efficient and reliable vehicles today than ever before. Using compressed air during manufacturing can also save energy and money during assembly.


Uses of Compressed Air in Automotive Manufacturing

Over the last 100 years, automotive manufacturing has been enhanced by the introduction of compressed air in the assembly line to increase worker’s safety and the overall efficiency of the manufacturing plant. It is used as a tool in almost every step in the process of car manufacturing from painting, cleaning, engine and vehicle assembly. It is also used in car tires and in garages/body shops.  The typical uses of compressed air in automotive manufacturing include:

  • Air operated robots
  • Plasma cutting and welding to help speed and reliability
  • Air tools are preferred to electronic tools because they are light and easy to use
  • Breathing Air filters to increase air quality
  • Tire inflation
  • Automobile finishing

Cars are now made of more durable and light-weight composite materials including plastics. During assembly, compressed air tools create the auto parts and power the lifting, positioning, and moving, fastening machines. It is used to form critical vehicle components such as stamping door panels and trunks.

Both cleaning and painting processes utilizes compressed air. The bare vehicle is inspected for defects and cleaned before painting.  Any contaminants in the air supply will cause expensive re-work, spoilage, and production loss. Clean, dry, oil and contaminant-free compressed air is used to achieve a perfect mirror finish during painting. The compressed air used must have no water or contaminants while painting the car to ensure an even finish. Garages and body shops also use low pressure oil-free compressed air to operate their spray guns. Compressed air is used to agitate the paint in a bath to prevent clumping and mix the color for consistency. Paint is propelled through guns or robots onto a clean metal car body surface using compressed air. To have a consistent reliable paint spray it is critical to choose the right size and type of compressor. Use a compressed air dryer and coalescing filters to remove any naturally occurring moisture to achieve a high-quality paint finish.  

Compressed air conveying system has eased heaving lifting on the assembly line that used to be done by humans. The compressed air conveyor systems use clean dry air to create a thin film of air between the work table and the floor. Using a conveying system, parts are sent through the production line. The major components, including gas tank, suspension, axles, breaks, and steering systems, are installed in the car. Tools such as air-powered wrenches fasten and screw components in place. These tools also remove nuts and bolts with an air ratchet. Grinding and cutting metal is done using a small air powered saw. Robotic machinery now uses compressed air to lift, transport, and position heavy components that were once placed by hand. Compressed air is used to install quarter panels, side panels, and roofs in place. Now that the heaving lifting is done by these air operated machines, the assembly line is much more efficient and safer for workers.

The consistency and reliability of a compressed air tools is the reason for their use in body shops.  Often air sanders are used to smooth out rough metal pieces. It is recommended to use a pneumatic sander since it weighs less than their electric version and are much more reliable in dusty environments.


Results of Contaminants in Compressed Air During Manufacturing

According to the Compressed Air and Gas Institute (CAGI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the major contaminants in compressed air are oil, water, microorganisms, and solid particles.  Microorganisms are beyond the scope of this article.

ISO 8573 has nine sections that describes compressed air. Section 1 provides a list of contaminants and purity classes. The other sections address sampling techniques and analytical methods for various contaminants.

The following is a list of negative results when compressed air is not clean during automotive manufacturing various types of contaminants.

Oil can:

  • Damage equipment
  • Cause costly equipment replacement
  • Expensive downtime during manufacturing
  • Prevent paint adhesion to surfaces
  • Paint to crack, flake, or bead
  • Create future corrosion or the final finish on a car

When compressed air draws in atmospheric air, it is compressed about a dozen times the normal atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric air naturally contains moisture. The amount of moisture depends on the location (altitude) and season.  In these conditions, the water/moisture will begin to condense since compressed air cannot hold the same amount as normal air. This condensation increases as the compressed air moves through the system/gun and cools. These effects are more evident during the summer with higher humidity. Water can:

  • Cause moisture to get pulled back into the compressed air system
  • Cause negative visual and textural effects on the finish: spotting or “fish-eyes”
  • Stick to pipe walls
  • Collect in receiver when the air velocity reduces
  • Squirt out of the nozzle with the compressed air
  • Collect in the low point of the pipe – then is released at once
  • Block the path of the compressed air

NOTE: the condensed water would also have other contaminants collecting in the low point of pipes resulting in a nasty mixture of oil and moisture.

Solid Particles, such as rust, dry particles, and aerosols, can:

  • Clog nozzles
  • Affect the surface of the finished product


Recommended Best Practices for using Compressed Air in Automotive Manufacturing

It is recommended to replace older units with oil-free centrifugal air compressors piped to heat off compression dryers. The energy savings may not be significant but the benefits of improved air quality and reduced maintenance and water cooling costs.

Reduce compressed air consumption by repairing purge controls on dryers and reducing overall demand. Repair compressed air leaks. Replace timer drains. Replace air operated diaphragm pumps with electric ones. This will modernize air compressors into oil free centrifugal technology able to use heat-of-compression dryers. This reduces maintenance and water-cooling costs with long-lasting and efficient air compressors.

The following simple things can be done to remove oil from your compressed air system:

  • Multi-staged filtration between the compressor and the tool
  • Pneumatic systems can be filtered at the compressor or point of use

The following simple things can be done to remove water from your compressed air system:

  • Check your compressor daily
  • Fit a water trap or spinner just before your downstream equipment
  • Use desiccant air dryers range form -40 degrees to -100 degrees of dew point – which is helpful in painting, printing, and instrument applications.
  • Use deliquescent air dryer, which removes the least amount of water vapor and is not usually found in critical applications where air needs to be very dry. It uses salt-like tablets to absorb water vapor from compressed air.
  • Manually drain receiver tanks to rid the system of moisture in the air compressor system or use a timer-based drains and pneumatic auto drains. Remember it is illegal to pour untreated condensate down the drain. It is recommended to treat the water before disposing of it.
  • Use a pneumatic water separator can remove up to 99.99% of water and oil from the air supply.
  • Use a refrigerated air dryer.  Chilling air lowers the water between 34 and 40-degree dew-point, which is enough for most applications.

Solid particles can be removed by:

  • Dry particulate filtration through direct, inertial, or diffusion movement
  • Vapor and aerosol filtration through coalescing or adsorption.


Evaluating the Energy Consumption of Compressed Air

Determining the demand on a compressed air system is important. To calculate the load profile, do the following:

  • Interview the plant personnel
  • Review historical flow records
  • Observe loads on the modicum (little) system
  • Count the number of machines requiring compressed air in the plant
  • Are there plans for new machines? What are the requirements?

From the above observations determine the current maximum possible peak, current peak, average production flow, and low production flow in cfm.

To determine where your current compressed air system can be enhanced to save money, consider the following:

  • Ensure that the current compressors are well maintained, installed, and power efficient units.
  • Determine the age of the unit
  • Determine their maintenance schedule. Does the equipment need lubrication? Does older equipment need to be replaced?

NOTE: Older units are more difficult and expensive to maintain since the parts are no longer available


Factors to Consider to Size and Install an Air Compressor:

This is a list of items to consider when determining the size of your compressor:

  • Air pressure requirements based on manufacturer recommended guidelines. The incorrect pressure results in poor tool and machine performance.
  • Air demand (psi and CFM)
  • Compressed air storage. A simple guideline is 4 to 5 gallons of air storage per CFM.

Also consider the location of the air compressing equipment. The compressor should be installed on a level surface. Follow the recommended guidelines for spacing:

  1. Serviceability and access
  2. Air circulation and ambient room temperature
  3. Location of Power distribution center
  4. Ambient air cleanliness
  5. Keeping the area around the air compressor clean
  6. Employee health and safety – noise and vibration levels.

Nex Flow recommends several products that can help improve the operations of everything from small body shop projects to the more demanding tasks in the automotive manufacturing site. Here is a look at some of their top-performing products applicable to the automotive manufacturing

  • Air amplifiers – compact, low cost air flow movers that are maintenance free. The unit uses the Coandă effect to drain in and amplify air flow up to 17 times results in dramatically reduced noise levels. These devices are used for cooling and venting.
  • Air nozzles convert pressure to flow efficiently. All Nex Flow Air Nozzles meet OSHA standard CFR 1910.242(b) for dead end pressure and noise levels are dramatically lower in addition to having lower energy use.
  • Ring Vac® air operated conveyors are simple, low cost solution compared to other pneumatic conveying systems. Simply clamp a standard hose size to each end of the Ring-Vac® to create this high energy conveying system. There are no moving parts which lend to maintenance free operation while capacity and flow are controlled with a pressure regulator.

Compressed Air Standards ISO 8573, ISO 12500, CFR 1910.242(b) and related terms

Recommended compressed air standards and related terms

There are several major standards to consider with the use of compressed air – two with regard to air quality, one for compressed air safety and any local standards related to noise.

Since compressed air is used in so many areas where it can come in contact with food or medicines, air quality standard is probably the most important standard related to compressed air use.  ISO 8573, established in 1991 is a multi-part standard for compressed air quality to facilitate compressed air system component selection, design and measurement. Part 1 classifies contaminant type and assigning air quality levels, and Parts 2 through 9, define testing methods to accurately measure a full range of contaminants within the end user’s facility.   The ISO 8573 Air Quality standard does not however address how manufacturers are to test and rate the filters. The ISO 12500 filter standard was developed to address this issue and establishes how manufacturers test and rate compressed air filters by defining critical performance parameters (namely, inlet oil challenge, inlet compressed air temperature and pressure measurement techniques) that will deliver certifiable filter performance information suitable for comparative purposes.

ISO 12500 is a multi-part standard, with ISO 12500-1 encompassing the testing of coalescing filters for oil aerosol removal performance, ISO 12500-2 quantifies vapor removal capacity of adsorption filters, and; ISO 12500-3 outlines requirements to test particulate filters for solid contaminant removal.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standard 1910.242(b) requires that compressed air used for cleaning purposes must be reduced to less than 30 psig (pounds per square inch gauge, 204 kPa). Compressed air used for cleaning must only be permitted with effective chip guarding and personal protective equipment to protect the operator and other employees from the hazards of the release of compressed air and flying debris. Standard 1917.154, which addresses similar hazards in the maritime industry, explicitly prohibits the use of compressed air for personnel cleaning. While this particular requirement is not specifically applicable in the general industry setting, it is recognized as good practice for all industries.  Standard CFR 1910.242(b) is a major guideline for Nex FlowTM  in the design of their air saving nozzles, to keep dead end pressure under 30 psig.

Noise standards vary around the world. Compressed air, when exhausted from cylinders, air nozzles especially, produce noise – both impact noise and exhaust noise.  Please refer to our article on noise levels for more detail.

Terminology used in compressed air systems can be confusing, so we have defined some for you along with common units and conversions below (the terms do not include terms related specifically to the compressors themselves – just terms downstream).

Absolute Pressure – The measure of pressure compared to the absolute zero pressure of an empty space—e.g., a vacuum.  Expressed in pounds per square inch (PSI) or bar (BAR) or kilopascals (KPa). 1 bar equals 14.7 PSI equals 100 KPa

Actual Capacity – Also known as Free Air Delivered (FAD), this is the amount of gas actually compressed and delivered (at rated speeds and conditions) to a discharge system.  Expressed as cubic feet per minute (CFM) or liters (LPM) per minute where 1 CFM = 28.32 LPM.

Air Consumption – The compressed air consumed from the compressed air system by any machine, air tool or blow off device to operate expressed at a particular input pressure to the device and usually in SCFM or SLPM as defined further below.

Amplification Ratio – A term typically used with blow off devices such as engineered air nozzles, jets, air amplifiers, air knives to express the amount of increase in air flow compared to the compressed air used.  Should be expressed at a particular distance from the blow off device. It is usually and average over various inlet pressures.  

Atmospheric Pressure – The measured surrounding pressure of a particular location and its altitude.  Measured in PSI or BAR or KPa as explained above

Blow Off Force – The force produced by a blow off nozzle, jet, air knife or amplifier on pounds force or grams as a particular pressure at the device inlet, expressed at a particular distance from the device.

Free Air CFM or LPM– Air’s flow rate at a specified point and condition, which is then converted to surrounding conditions.

Actual CFM or LPM – Air’s flow rate at a specified point and condition.

Inlet CFM or LPM – Air that is flowing through the inlet filter or valve of a compressor (under rated conditions).

Standard CFM or LPM – The flow rate of free air that is measured and then converted to a uniform set of reference conditions.  Normally expressed as SCFM or SLPM.

Dew Point – The temperature point at which moisture starts to condense in the air, if the air continues to be cooled at a single pressure.

FiltersDevices to remove particles, moisture, and lubricants from surrounding air.

Gauge Pressure – Normally expressed in pounds per square inch (PSIG), this is the pressure most instruments are used to determine.

Intercooling – Process in which heat is removed from gas or air between the stages of compression.

Leak – An unintentional loss of compressed air to surrounding conditions of a compressor.

Pressure – The measure of force per unit area, conveyed in pounds per square inch (PSI) or bar or KPa as compared previously.

Pressure Dew Point – The temperature that water starts to condense out of air for a given system pressure.

Pressure Drop – A pressure loss in compressed air systems caused by restriction or friction. Expressed as PSI, BAR or KPa.

Rated Capacity – At a specified point, this is the volume rate of flow at rated pressures.

Rated Pressure – The measure of the operating pressure of air compressors.

Standard Air – Used in ISO standards, this refers to air at 14.7 pounds per square inch absolute (PSIA), 68°F (20°C), and dry (0% relative humidity).



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[one_third][image src=”” size=”” width=”” height=”” align=”center” stretch=”0″ border=”0″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” link_image=”” link=”” target=”_blank” hover=”” alt=”” caption=”Standard (Fixed) Air Amplifier” greyscale=”” animate=””][button title=”View Product” link=”” target=”_blank” align=”center” icon=”” icon_position=”” color=”#27367a” font_color=”” size=”1″ full_width=”” class=”” download=”” rel=”” onclick=””][/one_third]

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Air Amplifier vs. Air Jet vs. Air knife – How do I know which one to use

What are Air Amplifiers, Jets, and Knives?

Air Amplifier

There are two types of Air Amplifiers – Air Pressure Amplifiers and Air Volume Amplifiers.   This article talks about volume amplifiers, which harness the energy from a small parcel of compressed air to produce high velocity and volume, low pressure air flow as the output. It can amplify the volume up to 17 times the air consumed.

The volume amplifier uses an aerodynamic effect called “the Coandă effect”. One example of this effect is seen on the Coandă angles on airplane’s wing that can cause the airplane to lift. In an airflow amplifier, the force is directed outward to cool or dry a surface. Pressure normally lost as noise and is converted into amplified and high velocity laminar flow.  

Compressed air stream flows through an air inlet, clinging to the “Coandă” profile inside. The compressed air is throttled through a small ring nozzle at high velocity and guided towards the outlet. This results in a low-pressure area at the center, inducing a high volume of surrounding air flow to the airstream.  Airflow is further amplified downstream by entraining additional air from the surroundings at the exit. This adds further volume and flow to the primary airstream via a similar method. The combined flow of primary and surrounding air exhausts from the Air Amplifier is a high volume, high velocity flow.

The jets of air in the amplifiers create a high velocity flow across the entire cross-sectional area, which pulls in large amounts surrounding air, resulting in the amplified outlet flow.  

Note: Air Amplification Ratio is the ratio of the air flow in standard cubic feet/minute (SCFM) or standard liters per minute (SLPM) at the exit point divided by compressed air consumption with the same unit. This ratio can vary with inlet pressure and temperature as well as the density of the inlet air, so the figure provided is a weighted average. The ratio may be reduced if any back pressure is put on the amplifier exit or suction end by attaching a hose, pipe or tubing

There is a balanced between amplified air flow and air velocity. Any air amplification ratio higher than 17 will slow the velocity so much that the blow off force becomes ineffective and the cooling effect lost.

NOTE: It is recommended to regulate the compressed air supply so the very least amount of air necessary is used.  Install a solenoid valve on the compressed air supply side to turn the air off when the air amplifier is not in service.

Air Jet

Air Jets are either annular like Air Amplifiers or in a flat design (air edger).  Due to their size and “Coanda profile”, annular Air Jets provide a greater concentrated force using amplified air.  This makes them ideal for applications like part ejection. Nex Flow Flat air jets or Flat Jet Nozzles are a compressed air operated chamber of shorter length than an air knife with a higher force and flow design. The internal chamber and outside shape are designed to minimize pressure drop and convert this into flow and force.

Flat Air Jet Nozzle (Air Edger®) is used when a much stronger forced air is required than an air knife can provide.  The flat jet nozzle can be mounted on manifolds of different lengths (holding 2, 4, or 6 units typically and more). Like an air knife – shims can be added to produce higher force. Due to the chamber design that is quite different from an air knife – a greater range of shims can be added to the flat nozzle allowing it to produce much higher air force than an air knife is able to provide.

The Air Edger® Flat Jet is available with various size “gaps” all set with a flat stainless steel shim. Three standard shim sizes are available – .004” (.10 mm), .008” (.2mm) and .020” (.51 mm). Shims can be “stacked” for a larger gap and greater force up to a maximum gap of .024” (61 mm).

Air Knife

An air knife is positive pressurized air chamber that contains a series of holes or continuous slot through which a predetermined air volume and velocity exits. The air is blasted through the air chamber using an air compressor or industrial blower. The air knife is typically made from either aluminum or stainless steel of various lengths but can be made of other materials as well.

Note:  Electrical currents from anti-static bars can also be injected into the air knife air stream to neutralize the static electricity charge on some surfaces.

Things to consider when choosing an air knife includes:

  • Force required
  • Material: typically aluminum, stainless steel, and special plastics
  • Required Length or distance from the compressed air source to the target.
  • Installation Cost
  • Noise
  • Air Consumption

Applications of Amplifier, Jets and Knives

Air Amplifier

There are many different applications for air amplifiers to completely list – but main applications include blow off, cooling, and ventilation:

  • Blow off:
    • Purging tanks
    • Used in ventilation of fumes, smoke, lightweight materials from automobiles, welding, truck repair, plating or holding tank or other confined spaces.
    • Circulate and blow off air
  • Cool hot parts: Cooling dies and molds
  • Dry wet parts
  • Clean machined parts:
    • Vacuum device to clean machined parts and confined places: dust collection, remove metal chips and scrap, collect and move dust (grain operations)
    • Clean a conveyor belt or web
  • Convey:
    • Used to convey small parts, pellets, powders, and dust.
    • Exhaust tank fumes; Used to remove fumes quickly and efficiently for venting applications. The fumes can be ducted away, up to 50 feet (15.24 m), and the amount of suction and flow is easily controlled.
    • Moves air 12 to 20-fold in duct applications and up to 60 times in areas with no ducts.
    • Component removal, valve gates, and automated equipment for ejection molding systems
    • Distribute heat in molds/ovens
    • Sort objects by weight
  • Used as tools in production lines, wood working, aerospace, construction, dentistry, heath care and hospitals
  • Used in assembly, chemical processing, robotic cells, and chemical processing
  • Increasing existing plant air pressures
  • Used in medical, food, and pharmaceutical installations
  • Used in Pneumonic cylinders: Enhances efficiency of pneumonic tools and machinery
  • Bottle molding applications
  • To enhance the “WOW!” factor of amusement rides in certain thrill rides; such as roller coasters
  • Coat a surface with atomized mist of liquid
  • Activating adhesives and heating-shrinking: High air amplification puts much more airflow through the heater coils than would be possible with an ordinary fan or blower. The hot airstream can be felt over 10′ (3m) away!

Based on Type, Size, and Material:

Type Outlet Diameter Application
Standard (Fixed)1 ¾” (19 mm) High temperature /corrosive (up to temperature of 700 F (371 C)
(32 mm)

Moving hot air for uniform heating in ovens or furnaces


Circulate air, move smoke, fumes, and light material

Clean and dry parts

2” (51 mm)
4” (102 mm) Circulate air, move smoke, fumes, and light material

Clean and dry parts

Venting or cooling

8” (203 mm) Circulate air, move smoke, fumes, and light material

Venting or cooling

Adjustable2 ¾” (19 mm) High temperature /corrosive (up to temperature of 700 F (371 C)
1 1/4” (32 mm) Cooling  

Moving hot air for uniform heating in ovens or furnaces


Circulate air, move smoke, fumes, and light material

Clean and dry parts

2” (51 mm)
4” (102 mm) Circulate air, move smoke, fumes, and light material

Clean and dry parts

Venting or cooling

  1. Available 0.002 and 0.003” shims can be added
  2. Gap setting from 0.001” to 0.004” to control the output flow and force required.
Material Application
Plastic Cooling  

Moving hot air for uniform heating in ovens or furnaces


Circulate air, move smoke, fumes, and light material

Clean and dry parts

Aluminum High temperature/corrosive
Stainless steel High temperature/corrosive (up to temperature of 700 F (371 C)

Medical, food, and pharma installations

Blow off, cooling, or venting

Special plastic versions are used to cool materials in an electrical power grid where metals can not be used. Alternative materials can be machined to be used as an air amplifier unit in corrosive environments where stainless steel is not sufficient.

Nex Flow manufactures special Air Amplifiers to your specification including special flanged mounting style or with a PTFE plug to avoid sticky material build up.

Benefits to Using Air Amplifiers: For air amplifiers, the outlet flow remains balanced and minimizes wind shear, sound levels are typically three times lower than other types of air movers. Both the vacuum and discharge end of the Air amplifier can be ducted, making them ideal for drawing fresh air from another location or moving smoke and fumes away. They are ideal for increasing existing plant air volume for blowing or cooling and for venting.

  • Compact, lightweight, portable
  • No electricity
  • No moving parts – no maintenance
  • Ends are easily ducted
  • Instant on/off
  • Longer life in difficult environments than competitive models.
  • Lower compressed air consumption than ejectors and venturi.
  • Maintenance free with output easily controlled, safe to use.

Air Jet

Flat jet air nozzles are used for a concentrated and targeted application of air and other gases. They are used to provide a powerful stream of high velocity laminar flow and high force for blow off and cooling applications where air knives are not sufficient.

Annular Air Jets entrain large volumes of surrounding air through the Jet (like Air Amplifiers) and are more efficient flow amplifiers than Air Nozzles. They cover a larger blow off target than a Nozzle and are ideal for part ejection. An air nozzle provides a point force, while the Air Jet acts more like a “hand” and covers a larger area in blow off coverage.  This can be an advantage in part ejection where two nozzles are normally required to “direct” the ejected part while only one jet is needed.  This can dramatically reduce energy required as well as have a lower footprint on the machine.

Applications of an air jet:

  • Part cleaning
  • Chip removal
  • Part drying
  • Part ejection
  • Air assist
  • For moving heavier material that requires extra force to move.

Benefits to using an Air Jet: Air consumption and noise levels are minimized with its special design and configuration while providing a strong blow off force.

  • Reduced compressed air cost
  • 10 dBA average noise reduction
  • Conserve compressed air
  • Compact
  • Improved safety
  • Meets OSHA noise level requirements
  • Improved production


Air Knife

An air knife is used to create an air curtain to clean, dry, or cool a surface of a product without mechanical contact.  In most cases, the air knives are stationary while the products that are cleaned or cooled are traveling on conveyors. In other manufacturing applications, the air knife moves or rotates over the surface of the stationary product. In rare circumstances, an air knife can be used to cut products. One such example in the food industry is by using an air knife to cut into cake frosting.

The following is a comprehensive list of air knife applications using compressed air:

  • An air knife is used to blow off a curved or flat surface of unwanted liquid (such as water), grime, airborne debris, dirt, or dust from surfaces or objects using a high-intensity, uniform sheet of amplified airflow.
  • Air knives are a good cooling tool.
  • They are also used to control the thickness of liquids
  • Used in food, pharmaceutical, packaging, automotive, mining, heavy industries (steel and aluminum), and circuit board manufacturing, and printing
  • Used the first step in recycling to separate lighter particles from other components.
  • Used in post manufacturing of parts for drying, conveyor component cleaning, and to draw in waste fumes or exhaust.  
  • Create an invisible air barrier to separate heated or cooled environments from one another in industrial applications such as continuous metal heat treating ovens, cold process or storage areas in food processing or dust containment for the entrance to clean rooms.
  • Removal of excess oils, liquids, and dust from flat and curved surfaces
  • Part Drying after wash
  • Conveyor cleaning
  • Component or Parts Cooling
  • Drying or Cleaning of Moving Webs
  • Environmental Separation (air barriers)
  • Blow off in pre-paint systems
  • Bag opening in filling applications
  • Scrap Removal in converting operations

Benefits to Using compressed air – air knife: Compressed air operated air knives are more compact in design, easier to control, and far less noisy than blower operated units.  

  • Quiet – 69 dBA for most applications
  • Uniform airflow across entire length
  • Minimal Air Consumption
  • High Force/Air Consumption Ratio
  • Variable force and flow
  • No moving parts – maintenance free
  • Easy mounting
  • Compact, rugged, easy to install
  • Stainless steel screws in all models
  • Standard Units 30:1 air amplification
  • X-Stream Units 40:1 air amplification
  • X-Steam Units can do the same job as competition at lower pressures
  • Materials Anodized Aluminum, Hard Anodized Aluminum, 303/304 stainless steel and 316L stainless steel
  • Stainless Steel shim
  • Special Lengths Available

Blower operated systems are advertised as being more energy efficient but that is not always the case.  In intermittent blowing and lower pressure applications, compressed air knives can be as energy efficient as blower operated systems.  

Compressed air operated air knives have smaller/more compact dimensions, more rugged, quieter, and do not have the costly maintenance compared with blowers, making compressed air operated systems the smart choice especially when space is a premium. A compressed air operated air knife provides significantly more force than a typical blower.

Air knives are ideal for liquid and dust blow off. Air knives provide clean, heated air; low operating noise (even without sound enclosures); and easy installation and operation.

Drawbacks to Using Compressed air – Air knife: Not good for heavier material that needs to be removed. In this case, choose an air jet.


Compressed air operated Air Amplifiers, Jets, and Knives are effective tools for your manufacturing environment.  It is critical to know the requirements of your application to choose the correct product. Experts at Nex Flow are happy to assist you in choosing your compressed air solution for your manufacturing application.

What does dBA mean when someone talks about noise levels?

“What does dBA mean when someone talks about noise levels?”

Compressed air exhaust produces noise whether from cylinders, solenoid valves, or from blow off nozzles.  Air conditioning and cooling technology has become more advanced as individual, industrial, and manufacturing demands have increased at the same rate. The efficiency of a type of cooler is a primary concern, but so is the noise level. Different types of air conditioners emit different noise levels and are noisier as they age.  It is important to understand how noise is measured and the strategies that can be used to reduce noise in your factory environment. This article describes Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), their recommended occupational noise limits, penalties for not complying, and products that are designed to reduce noise so that the factory environment can comply with OSHA recommendations.

What is Noise and How is it Measured?

Most of us live and work in loud environments. Without proper ear protection, this can lead to profound hearing loss, which affects the quality of life of us, our friends, and our family. Noise and vibration are both fluctuations in the pressure of air (or other media) which affect the human body. Vibrations that are detected by the human ear are classified as sound. We use the term ‘noise’ to indicate unwanted sound.

The logarithmic scale that measures sound and loudness is called a decibel. Sound energy travels in waves and is measured in frequency and amplitude. The intensity of the noise emitted from air conditioning units, for example, is the force of the sound wave (amplitude) and is measured in decibels (‘dB’). The decibel scale starts 0, the softest sound a human can detect, and increases in multiples of 10 dB.  Every increase of 3 dB represents a doubling of sound intensity or acoustic power. Table 1 lists the common sounds that are heard:

Table 1: Common Sounds

Sound dBA
Breathing 10
Normal Speaking Voice 65
Rock concert 120
Dog Barking from 4 feet 95
Passenger car at 65 mph at 25 ft 77
Vacuum Cleaner 70

Noise levels is measured by a sound level meter using the decibel scale. The factors affecting the reading are:

  • The distance between the meter and the source of the measured sound
  • The direction the noise is facing relative to the meter
  • Is it an indoor or outdoor measurement? Outdoor sound will dissipate more than indoor noise, which reverberate.

For the sound measurement to be useful, the conditions under which the reading is taken and the distance from the source must be reported.

When purchasing a new air conditioner, the decibel noise level is printed on the specifications for indoor and outdoor units. If the decibel level is not on the specification, ask the installer to provide the measurement.

What is the difference between dB and dBA?

A dB(A) measurement has been adjusted to consider the varying sensitivity of the human ear to different frequencies of sound. Therefore, low and very high frequencies are given less weight than on the standard decibel scale. Many regulatory noise limits are specified in terms of dBA, based on the belief that dBA is better correlated with the relative risk of noise-induced hearing loss.

Compared with dB, A-weighted measurements underestimate the perceived loudness, annoyance factor, and stress-inducing capability of noises with low frequency components, especially at moderate and high volumes of noise. (Richard L St Pierre Jr and Daniel J Maguire, “The Impact of A-weighting Sound Pressure Level Measurements during the Evaluation of Noise Exposure” (paper presented at NOISE-CON, Baltimore, Maryland, July 12–14, 2004).)

db-C or the  C-weighting scale is sometimes used for specifying peak or impact noise levels but there is generally not much of a difference between the two.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Occupational Noise Exposure

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is an agency of the United States Department of Labour. Congress established the agency under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, which President Richard Nixon signed on December 29th, 1970.

OSHA sets legal limits on noise exposure in the workplace. These limits are based on the time a worker spends during a weighted average over an 8-hour day. With noise, OSHA’s permissible exposure limit (PEL) is 90 dBA for all workers for an 8-hour day. The OSHA standard uses a 5-dBA exchange rate.

The potential for a sound to damage hearing is proportional to its intensity, not its loudness. That is the reason why it is misleading to rely on our subjective perception of loudness as an indication of the risk to hearing. 

Noise and vibration can harm workers when they occur at high levels or continue for a long time. The greater the sound pressure a sound has, the less time it takes for damage to occur to hearing.  For example, an 85-dBA sound may take up to 8 hours to cause permanent damage, while a sound at 100 dBA can damage hearing after 30 minutes. Occupational exposure limits (OELs) for various noise levels are the maximum duration of exposure permitted. Table 2 lists decibel exposure time guidelines.

Table 2: Decibel Exposure Time Guidelines with Examples

Continuous dB Examples Permissible Exposed Time
85 Busy City Traffic 8 hours
88 4 hours
91 2 hours

Gas powered mower,

Hair dryer

1 hour
97 30 minutes
100 15 minutes
103 7.5 minutes
106 Tractor (105 dB) < 4 minutes
109 < 2 minutes
112 < 1 minute
115 Leaf Blower, Rock Concert, Chainsaw < 30 seconds

Table 3: illustrates the comparative noise level differences by 10 decibels

Noise Source Decibel Level Effect
Jet take-off (at 25 meters) 150 Eardrum rupture
Aircraft carrier deck 140
Military Jet Aircraft take-off from a carrier with afterburner (50 ft) 130 Painful. 32 times as loud as 70 dB
Steel mill auto horn at 1 m; live rock music 110 Average human pain threshold. 16 times as loud as 70 dB
Power lawn mower; Bell J-2A helicopter at 100 ft 100 8 times as loud as 70 dB. Serious damage possible in 8-hour exposure.
Motorcycle at 25 ft 90 4 times as loud as 70 dB. Likely damage in 8-hour exposure.
Dishwasher; Average factory, car wash at 20 ft; food blender 80 2 times as loud as 70 dB. Possible damage in 8-hour exposure.
TV audio 70 Upper 70s are annoying to some people
Conversation in a restaurant 60 Half as loud as 70 dB.
Conversation at home 50 One fourth as loud as 70 dB.
Library 40 One eight as loud as 70 dB.
Rural area 30 One sixteenth as loud as 70 dB
Whisper 20
Breathing 10 Barely audible

American Criteria

OSHA requires that workers exposed to an average of 90 decibels for eight hours wear hearing protection. Under the agency’s measurements, when the volume increases by 5 decibels, the nose doubles. As a result, the permissible exposure time is cut in half.  If the levels reach 95 decibels, the maximum exposure without hearing protection is 4 hours.

The counsel for accreditation in occupational hearing conservation (CAOHC) has stricter guidelines. “Under the stricter guidelines, workers may not be exposed to 85 decibels for more than 8 hours a day without hearing protection. Several agencies have also concluded that the risk of hearing loss doubles with every 3 decibels increase, not 5.” (The New York Times, Retrieved on October 25, 2018)

Find out more about workplace safety and health topic with NIOSH here.

Canadian Criteria

The criterion level, often abbreviated as Lc, is the steady noise level permitted for a full eight-hour work shift. This is 85 dB(A) in most jurisdictions, but it is 90 dB(A) in Quebec and 87 dB(A) for organizations that follow the Canadian federal noise regulations.

The exchange rate is the amount by which the permitted sound level may increase if the exposure time is halved. The allowed maximum exposure time is calculated by using an exchange rate. As the sound level increases above the criterion level, Lc, the allowed exposure time must be decreased.

Contact Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety  for additional information.

European Criteria

“In 2003, Directive 2003/10/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of workers to the risks arising from physical agents (noise) was adopted. This directive is to be transposed into the national legislation of all Member States before 15 February 2006 (132). The main characteristic of the new noise directive is to establish a clear and coherent prevention strategy capable of protecting the health and safety of workers exposed to noise.

Article 5(1) of the directive requires that, taking into account technical progress and the measures available to control the risk at source, ‘the risks arising from exposure to noise shall be eliminated at their source or reduced to a minimum’. In order to avoid irreversible damage to workers’ hearing, the directive foresees exposure limit values of 87 dB(A) and a peak sound pressure of 200 Pa, above which no worker may be exposed; the noise reaching the ear should, in fact, be kept below these exposure limit values. The directive also foresees upper and lower exposure action values of respectively 85 dB(A) (and 140 Pa) and 80 dB(A) (and 112 Pa), which determine when preventive measures are necessary to reduce the risks to workers. It is important to note that, when applying the exposure limit values, the determination of the worker’s effective exposure shall take account of the attenuation provided by the individual hearing protectors worn by the worker. The exposure action values shall not take account of the effect of any such protectors….

The directive also foresees detailed rules for the information and training of workers who are exposed to noise at work at or above the lower exposure action value.

Reinforced health surveillance is one of the main points of the directive: it confers, in particular, a right to the worker to have his/her hearing checked by a doctor or by another suitably qualified person under the responsibility of a doctor when the (132) Replacing Directive 86/188/EEC. 6.1. Noise in figures EUROPEAN AGENCY FOR SAFETY AND HEALTH AT WORK 99 upper exposure action values are exceeded. Preventive audiometric testing shall also be available for workers whose exposure exceeds the lower exposure action values, where the assessment and measurement of the noise exposure level indicate a risk to health.” (European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Risk Observatory, Thematic Report 2, Noise in figures, Retrieved on October 25, 2018)

The new Noise Directive 2003/10/EC therefore reduces the exposure limit value from 90 dB(A), as set up in 1986 directive, to 87 dB(A), which represents clear progress.

Britain HSE allows users to calculate their daily doses of noise.


What are the Negative Effects of Noise?

Hearing loss can be categorized by which part of the auditory system is affected.  There are 3 basic types of hearing loss:  sensorineural, conductive and mixed

Sensorineural Hearing Loss – occurs when there is damage to the inner ear (cochlea) or hearing nerve in the brain.

Conductive Hearing Loss – occurs when sound is not conducted efficiently through the ear canal, eardrum or middle ear.

Mixed Hearing Loss – occurs when there is a combination of both sensorineural and conductive issues.  In other words, both the middle ear and inner ear are affected.

Some causes of sensorineural hearing loss include:

  • Aging – gradual age-related hearing loss is called presbycusis
  • Excessive exposure to loud noise
  • Viral or bacterial infections
  • Certain Medications
  • Meniere’s Disease
  • Acoustic Neuroma a tumor which is located between the ear and the brain
  • Hereditary factors
  • Infection of the ear canal or middle ear
  • Fluid in the middle ear
  • Perforation or scarring of the eardrum
  • Wax build-up
  • Dislocation of the ossicles (three middle-ear bones)
  • Foreign objects in the ear canal
  • Otosclerosis
  • Unusual growths, tumors

Excessive exposure to loud noise can be caused by a one-time or by repeated exposure to loud sounds or sound pressure over an extended period. Sound pressure is measured in decibels (dB). If a sound reaches 85 dB or stronger, it can cause permanent damage to your hearing. With extended exposure, noises that reach a decibel level of 85 can cause permanent damage to the hair cells in the inner ear, leading to hearing loss. Damage happens to the microscopic hair cells found inside the cochlea. These cells respond to mechanical sound vibrations by sending an electrical signal to the auditory nerve. The healthy human ear can hear frequencies ranging from 20Hz to 20,000 Hz. The high frequency area of the cochlea is often damaged by loud sound.  Exposure to high levels of noise can lead to:

  • Hearing loss;
  • Tinnitus (ringing in the ear);
  • Stress;
  • Anxiety;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Gastrointestinal problems; and
  • Chronic fatigue.

Worker’s Rights and Penalties

Workers have the right to:

  • Working conditions that do not pose a risk of serious harm.
  • Receive information and training (in a language and vocabulary the worker understands) about workplace hazards, methods to prevent them, and the OSHA standards that apply to their workplace.
  • Review records of work-related injuries and illnesses.
  • File a complaint asking OSHA to inspect their workplace if they believe there is a serious hazard or that their employer is not following OSHA’s rules. OSHA will keep all identities confidential.
  • Exercise their rights under the law without retaliation, including reporting an injury or raising health and safety concerns with their employer or OSHA. If a worker has been retaliated against for using their rights, they must file a complaint with OSHA as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days.

For additional information, see OSHA’s Workers page.


What Happens If OSHA Standards Are Not Met?

American Penalties

“Last year, US business paid more than $1.5 million in penalties for not protecting workers from noise.”

“…an estimated 242 million is spent annual on worker’ compensation for hearing loss disability.” (, retrieved on October 18, 2018).

When health care facilities violate the regulations of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, the consequences the owners face can range from citations to jail time.  Typically, the inspections are not planned. If a violation is found, the inspector will give the employer a deadline for fixing it and will issue a citation. OSHA schedules inspections based on several federal, regional, and local administrative priorities, but it also conducts inspections based on whistle-blower complaints and referrals.

If an OSHA violation is not corrected, OSHA will give a minimum fine of $5 000. OSHA can fine an employer up to $7,000 per day for not fixing a violation. The maximum fine for a repeated violation is $70,000.  When a serious accident occurs, fines are certain or possible imprisonment.

Below are the penalty amounts adjusted for inflation as of Jan. 2, 2018. (OSHA Memo, 1/3/2018)

Type of Violation Penalty
Posting Requirements
$12,934 per violation
Failure to Abate $12,934 per day beyond the abatement date
Willful or Repeated $129,336 per violation

State Plan States

States that operate their own Occupational Safety and Health Plans are required to adopt maximum penalty levels that are at least as effective as Federal OSHA’s.

For More Assistance

OSHA offers a variety of options for employers looking for compliance assistance including on-site consultation, education programs for employers and workers. Yo su can contact their regional or area office nearest to you for additional information.

Canadian Penalties

“The legislation holds employers responsible to protect employee health and safety. Enforcement is carried out by inspectors from the government department responsible for health and safety in each jurisdiction. In some serious cases, charges may also be laid by police or crown attorneys under Section 217.1 of the Canada Criminal Code (also known as “Bill C-45”). This section imposes a legal duty on employers and those who direct work to take reasonable measures to protect employees and public safety. If this duty is “wantonly” or recklessly disregarded and bodily harm or death results, an organization or individual could be charged with criminal negligence.” (OH&S Legislation in Canada – Basic Responsibilities, retrieved on October 25, 2018)

European Penalties

Penalties can include the following:

  • Fixed fines
  • On-the-spot fines
  • Remedial orders
  • Probation for companies and directors
  • “Might be used to underpin health and safety requirements – perhaps so-called ‘paperwork’ requirements: risk assessments, employee consultation arrangements, provisions for safety reps, compulsory insurance possibly, business registration, welfare provisions, and perhaps RIDDOR requirements.
  • If used in conjunction with improvement notices, fixed penalties might have the effect of helping to change duty-holder behaviour – since, in the absence of a new approach, prosecution is rare in these areas.
  • For use by enforcing authorities to relieve judicial system”
  • Alternative penalties including:

“Penalties used instead of, or in conjunction with, criminal prosecution for breaches of health and safety law serious enough to warrant consideration of criminal prosecution, and which, in addition to a punitive and deterrent purpose, might also have a restorative or restitutive element. At present, such penalties are either not available within the health and safety system or are not used.

Such alternatives to prosecution would need:

    • to fit the purpose of enforcement – that is, be effective in changing the behaviour of duty-holders and achieving improvements in health and safety outcomes, and
    • to satisfy the principles underpinning the Health and Safety Commission’s (HSC)
      Enforcement Policy: proportionality, targeting, consistency and transparency.”



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[one_third][image src=”” size=”” width=”” height=”” align=”center” stretch=”0″ border=”0″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” link_image=”” link=”” target=”_blank” hover=”” alt=”” caption=”Standard (Fixed) Air Amplifier” greyscale=”” animate=””]

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[one_third][image src=”” size=”” width=”” height=”” align=”center” stretch=”0″ border=”0″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” link_image=”” link=”” target=”_blank” hover=”” alt=”” caption=”Standard Air Nozzle” greyscale=”” animate=””]

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Strategies for Lowering Noise Pollution

Here at Nex Flow, we take noise levels into consideration very seriously because we understand that reducing noise levels from very loud and damaging compressed air equipment is important.  Compressed air technology is used for cooling or blow off applications. Properly engineered air nozzles  and air amplifiers can reduce noise levels by 10 dBA and air knives can operate under 70 dBA for blow off applications.  

Where compressed air is exhausted from exit ports, mufflers may be added to reduce noise levels.  The mufflers that perform optimally are ones with a Coandă profile used to entrain surrounding air along with the compressed air released, which converts pressure to flow. The conversion accomplishes three things: noise levels fall dramatically, energy consumption is reduced, and a laminar flow is maintained at a greater distance than from an open pipe, tube or hole so the nozzle or other blow off device is effective at a much greater distance.

Sound level is proportional to the velocity of the compressed air flow exhausted by a factor to the power of 8. .
Sound Level ∞ Velocity 8

After mufflers are installed, the velocity can be reduced, which minimizes noise levels and also saves energy.

Conserve energy by turning off the compressed air tool when not in demand. This will also reduce noise in the workplace and save money.

Noise controls should reduce hazardous exposure to sound so that risk of hearing loss is eliminated or minimized. Not only will hearing loss be avoided, but communication between workers will improve. Air conditioning noise is unavoidable but investing in a new unit or noise absorbing equipment can reduce the noise output. Vortex Tube operated Cabinet Enclosure Coolers (Panel Coolers) operate under 80 dBA but have optional sound reducing packages to reduce noise levels to under 65 dBA.  The noise measurement is typically taken about 3 feet from the source.

Modify, maintain, or replace aging equipment. Older air conditioners can collect dirt and other blocking materials over time. Best practices clean the air filters regularly. Internal parts, such as bearings of a fan motor, should be cleaned by a qualified technician. Fan motor bearings can also be adjusted to reduce noise.    Vortex Tube operated Cabinet Enclosure Coolers (Panel Coolers) do not have these issues and offer advantages of near zero maintenance over traditional air conditioners for electrical and electronic cabinet enclosure cooling. They can be used in factory environments and only when compressed air is available for their operation. Other advantages they offer is no CFC’s or HCFC’s, keeping control panels at a slight positive pressure to keep out dirty environmental air, and no condensate. They maintain noise level consistently for years if the compressed air supplied is kept properly filtered.

Relocate noise-producing equipment (e.g., freezers, refrigerators, incubators and centrifuges) away from workers. Provide acoustic treatment for ceilings and walls. Controlling noise exposure through distance is often an effective, yet simple and inexpensive administrative control.  

Note: Doubling the distance between the source of noise and the worker, the noise is decreased by 6 dBA.

Lower ceiling height to prevent sound from traveling and bouncing off surfaces, therefore amplifying noise.

Treat the noise source or the transmission path to reduce the noise level at the worker’s ear. Examples of inexpensive, effective engineering controls include:

  • Use low-noise tools and machinery
  • Maintain and lubricate machinery and equipment (e.g., oil bearings).
  • Place a barrier between the noise source and employee (e.g., sound walls or curtains).
  • Enclose or isolate the noise source.
  • Operating noisy machines during shifts when fewer people are exposed.
  • Limiting the amount of time, a person spends at a noise source.
  • Providing quiet areas where workers can gain relief from hazardous noise sources (e.g., construct a soundproof room where workers’ hearing can recover – depending upon their individual noise level and duration of exposure, and time spent in the quiet area).
  • Restricting worker presence to a suitable distance away from noisy equipment.
  • Have workers use hearing protection devices such as earmuffs, plugs

Whenever worker noise exposure is equal to or greater than 85 dBA for an 8-hour exposure or in the construction industry when exposures exceed 90 dBA for an 8-hour exposure, the employer is responsible for implementing a hearing conservation program:

  • Identify which employees are at risk from hazardous levels of noise.
  • Informing workers at risk from hazardous levels of noise exposure of the results of their noise monitoring.
  • Providing affected workers or their authorized representatives with an opportunity to observe any noise measurements conducted.
  • Maintaining a worker audiometric testing program (hearing tests) which is a professional evaluation of the health effects of noise upon individual worker’s hearing.
  • Implementing comprehensive hearing protection follow-up procedures for workers who show a loss of hearing (standard threshold shift) after completing baseline (first) and yearly audiometric testing.
  • Proper selection of hearing protection based upon individual fit and manufacturer’s quality testing indicating the likely protection that they will provide to a properly trained wearer.
  • Evaluate the hearing protectors’ attenuation and effectiveness for the specific workplace noise.
  • Training and information that ensures the workers are aware of the hazard from excessive noise exposures and how to properly use the protective equipment that has been provided.
  • Data management of and worker access to records regarding monitoring and noise sampling.

How does Nex Flow products reduce noise levels?

Compressed air exhaust air is a source of noise and why noise reducing products, such as air nozzles, air knives and air amplifiers are used in factories. To protect workers from excessive and damaging noise levels, the excess noise can be reduced up to 10 dBA.

The X-Stream® Sound Level Meter is used to measure and monitor the sound level in all types of industrial environments. The handheld accurate meter, which has data collection, is used to identify noise problem areas that may be intermittent. It is used for compressed air exhaust noise measurement and identifies where costly and inefficient blow off can be replaced by energy efficient Nex Flow®blow off products.

Nex Flow manufactures specialized compressed air solutions that are easy to install and reliable. All products offer noise reduction in factories to enhance the safety of your environments.  Nex Flow manufacturers high quality, economical, specialized compressed air solutions for blow, off, cooling, drying, and moving with representatives worldwide. Choosing Nex Flow means that you obtain the best customized solution, including full technical support. Our customer technical support provides blowing angle and direction tips during installation. All compressed air products have a five-year warranty against manufacturer’s defects.

Factors to Consider when Selecting an Air Nozzle

What is an Air Nozzle?

An air nozzle controls the direction or characteristics of air flow by converting pressure into the flow. Air Nozzles are the smallest air amplifiers for point application. Frequently Nozzles control the flow rate, speed, direction, mass, shape, and pressure of the stream that emerges. In a nozzle, the velocity of fluid increases at the expense of its pressure energy. Air nozzles are one of the most common products used in a factory environment. They are primarily used for blowing off debris and liquid and for cooling or drying parts. It is using them for cleaning, part ejection, and conveying.

The original compressed air-operated engineered nozzle is a cone that provided the most flow amplification. They are helpful for compressed air applications because they entrain surrounding atmospheric air with the compressed air.

It is often a pipe or tube of varying cross-sectional area and can direct or modify a fluid’s flow (liquid or gas). Inefficient air nozzles consist of an air exit hole for the compressed air at the end of a pipe attachment. The pipe usually has a small hole on the side to release compressed air, reduce dead-end pressure, and create a helpful blow-off force.  

NOTE: Always use filtered compressed air to ensure the air supply remains clean and dry.

Properly engineered air nozzles work by using the Coandă effect – entraining surrounding air and the compressed air in a ring of holes around the bottom or sides of the nozzle. The exiting air is a concentrated, high-velocity, laminar flow stream of amplified air. Standard cone-shaped air nozzles, with air exit holes around the bottom of the nozzle, provide the best flow per unit of air consumption and are best suited for light blow-off and cooling applications, thus providing a low-cost solution for the task. Modern engineered nozzles have holes on the bottom or sides with hole spacing, sizing, and internal design crafted to optimize for the highest force per unit of air consumed.


NOTE: Always use filtered compressed air to ensure the air supply remains clean and dry.


Types of Nozzles

In most factories/manufacturing environments, many types of nozzles satisfy the requirements for specific applications. The challenge is to find the nozzle that provides the best performance at the optimal operating cost.

There are several types of engineered nozzles available:

    • Cone Shaped Air Nozzles are excellent flow amplifiers. They are used for cooling because they have high flow/CFM compared to other engineered nozzles. They dramatically reduce noise pollution in a factory and are suitable for energy conservation. Cone-shaped air nozzles reduce compressed air costs by conserving air. They are compact and have a 10-dBA average noise reduction to improve safety in the work environment. They meet OSHA noise level requirements. Overall, these air nozzles will enhance the production of your factory environment. These Air Nozzles replace an open pipe from 2 mm to 0.5 inches and save 30% in compressed air. Note that not all cone-shaped nozzles are equal, as the internal design impacts performance.
    • Air Mag Air Nozzles is a bullet-shaped finned nozzle with a unique patent design to focus compressed air from the supply line and entrained air from the surroundings to a sharper laminar flow of air with the highest force per SCFM than other bullet-shaped finned nozzles on the market. They have the lowest air consumption for the force produced, lower noise levels, no whistling sound, are rugged, and are made of a single piece for extra strength.

      The exit nozzle is oriented to increase force/CFM over other competitive nozzles by 10%. The Air Mag Nozzle comes in the following sizes for various applications:
      • 1/4″ is the average size for air guns. This size is used for most applications and is usually attached to a ¼” pipe or hose.
      • ½” is for heavier blow-off applications. It connects to a ½” pipe or hose and is a standard nozzle used with large air guns.
      • 4, 5, and 6 mm are available for small applications and are usually attached to small copper tubes and smaller – often low-cost – air guns. There is a 1/8″ adaptor for the 6 mm nozzle to adapt it to a 1/8″ pipe.
  • More types include

    • A flat Jet Nozzle is a compressed air-operated chamber (flat nozzle, flat jet), which is a smaller length than an air knife. It also has a higher air force and flow design. They are mounting the flat jet nozzle on manifolds of different sizes (holding 2, 4, or 6 units typically or more). Also, use it when a much stronger forced air is required than an air knife can provide. They are very efficient and specially designed to provide a powerful stream of high-velocity laminar flow, a high force for blow-off applications, and cooling where air knives do not provide enough force. The air consumption and noise levels are minimized with the unique design, which converts pressure usually lost as noise and pressure drop into proper flow and energy. Shims can be added to modify the force. This nozzle is used for part cleaning, chip removal, part drying, part ejection, and air assist. Nex Flow takes care in designing our flat jet nozzle and ensures it meets the OSHA noise level requirements.
    • Ring Ionizer-Ionizing Nozzles discharge and clean surfaces of non-conductive materials by incorporating an anti-static pin. For manual use, mounting to a handgun is possible.
    • Laval Effect Nozzle uses an hourglass exit for the existing compressed air to accelerate the exiting compressed air. While they are supposed to reduce overall noise, they tend to have a higher-pitched noise. The force tends to dissipate if the nozzle is not close to the target blow-off. For this type of nozzle, the noise and effectiveness are questionable compared to a nozzle using the Coandă effect.
    • Spray nozzles that use compressed air produce a fine spray of liquids mixed with the compressed air. They include atomizer nozzles and air-aspirating nozzles.

Materials Used to make Nozzles.

Choosing the material that the nozzle is constructed of will determine the unit’s wear. Nozzles, over time, could begin to clean a surface unevenly or over-spraying, which wastes chemicals, water, energy, and operating costs.

  • Anodized aluminum is ideal for blow guns and part ejection of heavier viscosity liquids.
  • 303/304/316L Stainless Steel is often used for liquid and lightweight part blow-off applications for food, pharmaceutical, and corrosive environmental applications. 316L stainless steel is more expensive but worth the cost when the manufacturing environment has high chloride and salt exposure.
  • Cast zinc is rugged and provides extra strength for use in harsh environments.
  • Plastic nozzles are of lower cost and are often used but can easily break and, in some applications, may be dangerous with the risk of breaking.
  • Copper or brass are optimum for blow-off nozzle materials since they have low friction coefficients.  

Advantages of Using an Air Nozzle

Using air nozzles, replacing non-engineered air nozzles, or replacing old nozzles with more efficient products can save high operating costs by using compressed air more effectively. There is also an average 10 dBA reduction in noise, and it meets OSHA standards, which improves the working environment. Nozzles provide precise, repeatable drying and blowing-off capabilities for all applications.


Air nozzle is available with the following accessories:

  • Copper tubes can be attached to some nozzles to aim the direction of the flow. The copper tube is pressed to fit into the customer’s existing system.
  • A rigid-flex hose can be bent into shape to aim the nozzle at the target. It is an all stainless-steel hose that does not break after a few bends like competitive rubber hoses with simple copper inserts. The stainless-steel construction allows for use in any challenging environment. Rigid-flex hose nozzle is resistant to creep and crimping.
  • Manifolds to attach more than one nozzle or flat jet nozzle
  • Swivels
  • Regulators
  • Pneumatic Super Separator
  • Magnetic base
  • PLC Flow Control System (PLCFC)
  • Static meters (used with Ionizing nozzles)

Factors to Consider when Selecting a Nozzle

When considering an engineered nozzle, there are several factors to consider. It is recommended, when reviewing specification, to research the distance the force/CFM were taken and the line pressure. Determine if the force and pressure are suitable for your application: test and use brands known for improved performance and quality like ours. Stay wary of copies and ask if you need continuous or intermittent air supply.

Don’t forget to consider sensors and timers when applicable for energy savings. Besides the nozzles themselves – it is also essential to consider the compressed air piping system to ensure efficiency.

Lubricants corrode some materials from the compression process, which leads to leaks and particulates in the air stream. Copper, brass, steel, and aluminum are optimum choices for nozzle materials as they have low friction coefficients.



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How do you determine the best nozzle for the following applications?


For cleaning applications, choose a nozzle with the highest force/unit airflow (Force/SCFM ratio), such as the Air Mag nozzle. It is also essential to consider air consumption. A regulator can be used to cut back the pressure to set the required force. Any additional force above the requirement will use more energy and cost more. Air pressure loss will result from compressed air through a pipe attached to a nozzle.

The higher the airflow through the pipe, the larger the pressure drop and pressure at the entrance of the nozzle. Any extra pressure (for example, 1 SCFM) entering the piping that is the same size as the nozzle – will cause the pressure to drop at the entrance of the nozzle. Therefore, for cost savings, the correct pressure/force must be determined at the entrance of pipping attached to the nozzle so that there is no pressure drop when the compressed air enters the nozzle.

The reduced air pressure/force will also have less noise pollution and provide a safer manufacturing environment for your employees. Air Edgers (Flat Jet nozzles) are also popular for cleaning flat or curved surfaces and have the advantage of having the force varied by adding/removing shims, which control the air exit volume and force.

Other factors that can negatively impact spray nozzle performance are plugging, erosion, corrosion, scale build-up, caking, accidental damage, and improper assembly. These are common in washing and rinsing operations, especially when using caustic solutions. Establishing and implementing a nozzle maintenance program is the most effective way to prevent and minimize costly spray nozzle problems.

Static Control – Ion air nozzles/Ring ionizer nozzles are highly effective at discharging and cleaning non-conductive materials. These nozzles can be mounted on handguns for confined workspaces. These are flexible, light, and easy to use for discharge processes.


When nozzles are used for drying, the traditional cone-shaped nozzle is recommended. For larger applications requiring several nozzles, more energy will be saved when using the Air Mag nozzles. Anodized aluminum or 303/304 Stainless Steel standard strength nozzles with 1/8″, ¼”, male NPT connection is ideal for blow-off liquids applications. Model 47001 is designed to fit into small spots and is used by many machine builders for blow-off applications. Model 47003 (anodized aluminum), Model 47003S (303/304 Stainless Steel), and Model 47003S-316L (316L Stainless Steel) –with a 1/8″ male NPT connection is ideal for most blow-off applications involving liquids.

Drying large flat or curved surfaces

Air Knives are like rows of linear air nozzles that can be made to very long lengths. Air knives provide uniform airflow across the entire length of the air knife. It provides high velocity and a constant air stream for fast drying and blow-off in a factory setting. Air knives are maintenance-free because there are no moving parts. They are safe because they have low noise pollution. Air knife kits are available, which include an air knife, extra shims, filter, pressure regulator, and gauge.


Using standard cone-shaped air nozzles that are efficient at converting pressure to flow is a good choice when selecting nozzles for cooling. These nozzles are better for cooling as they have less force/CFM but more flow/CFM than the more engineered nozzles. Round air amplifiers are essentially very large low-pressure but high-volume nozzles ideal for cooling molded parts and castings. They move large volumes of air using a small amount of compressed air, making it economical to operate.

Ejection of Heavier Liquids

Model 47004 (anodized aluminum), Model 47004S (303/304 Stainless Steel), and Model 47004S-316L (316L Stainless Steel) are a strong force and high flow amplification nozzles with a 1/4″ male NPT connection is ideal for most blow-off applications involving liquids and even lightweight parts and often used for heavier liquid. The 47010 is a higher-force nozzle but has less distance for laminar flow than the 47004. It has an anodized aluminum ¼” female NPT fitting nozzle with a Coandă profile resulting in extremely strong force at a distance. This nozzle is good for blow guns. It has a higher force for less distance for laminar flow.

About Nex Flow

Nex Flow manufactures specialized compressed air solutions that are easy to install and reliable. All products reduce noise in factories to enhance the safety of your environment. Nex Flow manufactures high-quality, economical, specialized compressed air solutions for blow, off, cooling, drying, and moving with representatives worldwide. Choosing Nex Flow means obtaining the best-customized solution, including full technical support. Our customer technical support provides blowing angle and direction tips during installation. All compressed air blow-off, moving, and cooling unit products have a five-year warranty against manufacturer’s defects.

How Piping Can Effect Air Nozzle Performance

How Piping Can Effect Air Nozzle Performance

Compressed air is a tricky technology to deal with because it is a compressible fluid and is subject to all sorts of things. Yet 70% of all compressed air is still sued for blow-off and cooling because it is versatile. But it can be used more efficiently.

One of those applications that can be much more effective is when using engineered compressed air nozzles. Properly designed engineered nozzles work by entraining surrounding atmospheric air and compressed air to convey energy normally lost as pressure drops and noise. But not all air nozzles are engineered. And some engineered nozzles are not very well designed. This may not matter in small applications, but when you add up the nozles in a large facility, it can be a significant amount of money.

The first thing to decide is if you want to cool a part or clean it. In the first case, flow is more important than force. In the second case, force is more important than flow. Then there is comparing air nozzles. Assuming that manufacturers are honest about their specifications (which is not necessarily the case), you need to look at both force and flow.

This is far more critical when force is required. In this case, the force/unit air consumption is the best thing to look at. The most efficient (and effective) nozzle will have the highest force/unit airflow (Force/SCFM ratio). It does not matter how force can vary among a variety of nozzles because in a proper installation, you use a regulator to cut back the pressure to set the force you need; Force above what you need only uses more energy. But in real life, here is where it gets tricky…

How Piping Can Effect Air Nozzle Performance

Let’s assume you have an installation with a set of nozzles from one supplier. You find a second brand that gives the same force at the same pressure. And the cost for the nozzle is a bit less. You have no regulator on your system. So you replace a few nozzles. But…. then you find that the actual force is less than specified? Yes, according to what you read, it should be the same! What went wrong?

If you check the specifications further, you will find that the replacement nozzles use only 1 SCFM more than the one you are using. It certainly does not seem much, but…. that extra flow going through the piping, which is typically the same size as the nozzle, can cause enough extra pressure drop that the effective pressure at the nozzle entrance is just a little less, which also makes less force. That is how sensitive the nozzle effectiveness can be. So if you are replacing any nozzles, check the force created at a particular pressure and the air consumption at that pressure. The odds are that the pressure at the entrance to the nozzle is NOT the same as you think it is due to pressure drop.

When considering the use of compressed air nozzles, consider the force it produces, usually specified at a particular pressure, and the air consumption.

Nex Flow manufactures products for compressed air blow-off, cleaning, drying, moving, and cooling and also offers related products for filtration and optimization in addition to consultation in their field.

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What Is An Engineered Air Nozzle Really!!

It is popular now to use the term “engineered” air nozzle for compressed air nozzles used for blow-off applications. But what is an engineered nozzle? The original close air-operated engineered nozzle is a cone shape that draws in surrounding air utilizing the “Coanda” effect and converts pressure to flow by removing atmospheric air and the nozzle’s compressed air. Copies and different physical sizes abound in the marketplace, but are they really engineered? The size, the angle of the hole, and even how the air flows inside and out of the air nozzle are essential. It can be easily proven by taking two similarly looking cone-shaped nozzles from different manufacturers and testing them side by side. Even if they look similar on the outside, they may perform dramatically differently, perhaps being louder (or quieter) and the other more (or less) powerful. A truly engineered version will consider inside and outside flow characteristics. But these cone-shaped designs generally provide the most “flow” amplification.

For most applications, however, force is more important, so a high ratio of force/air consumption (CFM) is essential. The “bullet” shaped finned nozzles with holes in between the fins seem to provide this optimum force/cfm better than the cone-shaped versions. The bullet shape still entertains the Coanda effect to accelerate outside air to produce more flow. As with the older designs, the number of holes, their size, overall shape, and fin design are essential but also the way the air flows on the inside. Copies of these bullet-shaped nozzles have also appeared but rarely perform even close to the original designs because they are poorly copied and not engineered. As with the cone-shaped styles, this can be quickly confirmed by taking two similar-looking nozzles from two manufacturers and comparing the force each produces at the same line pressure. The copy rarely does as well.

What Is An Engineered Air Nozzle Really!!

A few years back, so-called Laval effect nozzles, which have the compressed air exiting the nozzle using an hourglass-shaped exit to accelerate the exiting compressed air, appeared on the market. However, it is questionable whether they are any more practical for a higher force/cfm ratio than nozzles using the Coanda effect, incredibly if not close to the target of the blow-off. Noise is another factor with this style of the nozzle.

A bullet-shaped nozzle developed by Nex Flow Air Mag nozzle series is patent pending where the air exit nozzles are oriented in such a way as to increase the force/cfm over the best competitive nozzle found by about 10% and make it more effective at a greater distance. This is truly an engineered nozzle, and all factors, both inside and out, are considered. At the time of this writing, the available Nex Flow Air Mag sizes are 1/4″, 1/2″ but 4, 5, and 6 mm small nozzles are pending. A 1/8″ adaptor for the 6 mm nozzles will also be available.

So when looking at engineered nozzles, carefully research the actual force/CFM, at what distance and line pressure the specifications are taken, and the distance of their effectiveness to make sure it is genuinely engineered and will be suitable for your application. Stay with brand names like Nex Flow to assure quality and be wary of copies.

Nex Flow Air Products Corp. manufactures compressed air technology for blow-off, drying, cleaning, cooling, and moving and constantly strives to improve its products” performance and quality.



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A Reason to Use Spray Nozzles and Air Nozzles from Different Manufacturers

This of course is my educated opinion only but I think it is reasonable. When you buy a new home from a builder, would you buy the furniture from the same builder? In fact people do in some cases get furniture with a new home but the home builder does not make the furniture. That is because the home builder is an expert in making homes – the furniture an expert in making furniture.

Similarly in industry, when a production line needs to “get something wet” and then “dry”, a spray nozzle manufacturer will be an expert in spray nozzles while a compressed air nozzle manufacture (used to dry) is an expert in air nozzles. They are very different technologies with a very different focus and thinking behind their use. Many spray nozzle manufacturers have come out with air nozzles which are usually knock-offs of other manufacturers and in many cases not very good ones. That is because compressed air is a totally different technology. The air nozzles may be less energy efficient and certainly have a much smaller range of choices, so a less than optimum solution is obtained. Similarly, some compressed air nozzle manufacturers have come up with spray nozzles with the same contraints. They have a smaller range of choices possibly leading to a less than optimum solution and again, with a different background and knowledge in their application and product development.

No one can be an expert in everything. There are good distributors in the market place that can supply both technologies who offer spray nozzles of one make and air nozzles of another, giving a wider choice and the better chance of a more productive and energy efficient solution.

Sometimes it is wise to shop around, whether for your home, or for your factory.

Nex Flow Air Products specializes in the manufacturer of compressed air products for blow off, cooling and moving.

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